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发布时间:2023-10-20 20:39:26

[单项选择]After (driving) twenty miles, he suddenly (realized) that he (has been driving) (in) a wrong direction.
A. driving
B. realized
C. has been driving
D. in

更多"After (driving) twenty miles, he su"的相关试题:

[单项选择]After driving for thirty miles, she suddenly realized that she ______ in the wrong direction.
A. was driving
B. has been driving
C. had been driving
D. drove
[单项选择]He's so crazy about her that he doesn't realize he's being ______.

A. manifested
B. magnified
C. manipulated
D. maintained
[单项选择]What did he do after he went to Seychelles

A. He worked as a BBC correspondent.
B. He worked as an instructor of journalism.
C. He worked as a dive master.
D. He stayed there as a tourist.
[单项选择]The American professor came to realize that he had underestimated the ______ of most of the Chinese students.
A. magnitude
B. gradient
C. potential
D. firmness
[单项选择]After he had finished the blueprint of the project, he ______ it to the committee for approval.

A. admitted
B. submitted
C. transmitted
D. committed
[单项选择]After graduation, he won the famous Rhodes Scholarship and ______ advanced studies for 2 years in Oxford University in England.
A. chased
B. pursued
C. sought
D. hunted
[单项选择]Even though he had recently gained twenty pounds, Mike continued to ______ himself by eating five can dy bars every day.

A. diverge
B. endure
C. indulge
D. instruct
[单项选择]A week after he had written to his brother, Jackson began ______.

A. telephoning the bank
B. visiting the bank
C. shouting at the clerks of the bank
D. explaining his problem to the clerks of the bank
[单项选择]After he gave a report about the school, Mr. White ______ the visitors around it.

A. went on to show
B. went on showing
C. went on with showing
D. keep on showing
[单项选择]What did Baker do after he shot at the wood from 50 yards away

A. He drew a target round the hole.
B. He brought it in a car.
C. He put it in the garden.
[单项选择]Peyton would probably ______ after he was caught by a Federal sentinel.

A. be killed
B. be beaten
C. be fined
D. be put into prison
[单项选择]He said he()traveling with his family after the entrance examination.
A. will consider
B. considered
C. has considered
D. would consider
[单项选择]Years after the accident he was still ______ by images of death and destruction.
A. twisted
B. haunted
C. dipped
D. submerged
[单项选择]After seeing what disaster he had brought to his family, he ______ of intemperate behavior.

A. admitted
B. confessed
C. repented
D. acknowledged
[单选题] Jenny could ( ) the stolen money from the thief after he was arrested.
A. take
B. repay
C. redeem
D. obtain
[单项选择]He had already walked three or four miles ______ he saw a cart, half-full of hay, by the side of the road.

A. while
B. when
C. the moment
D. unless
[单项选择]After entering the room, he removed his overcoat.
A. moved
B. put off
C. took off
D. threw
[单项选择]Only after being asked three times did he come to join in the training of the college football team on Saturday, which made his teacher very angry with him.()
A. 被问了三次后,他才来参加周六学院足球队的训练,他的老师很生气。
B. 叫了三次,他才来参加学院足球队周六这天的训练,这让他的老师很生气。
C. 只有在被叫了三次以后,他才来参加周六学院足球队的训练,这让他的老师对他很生气。
D. 才叫了三次,他就来参加周六学院足球队的训练,这使他的老师很生他的气。


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