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发布时间:2024-02-24 20:41:48

[单项选择]We looked everywhere for the money but ()find it.
A. couldn't
B. wouldn't
C. shouldn't

更多"We looked everywhere for the money "的相关试题:

[单项选择]If we()more time and money, we could have visited many more places.
A. have
B. had had
C. have had
D. could have
[单项选择]I've looked everywhere for a leather jacket I liked, and now, _______, I have found one.

A. at long last
B. on time
C. for a while
D. sooner or later
[单项选择]Bill looked everywhere for his dictionary but ______ had to return home without it.
A. in the end
B. at the end
C. in the finish
D. at the last
[单项选择]My dictionary. I have looked for it everywhere but still ______it.

[单项选择]What does the author think about trying to find weaknesses in other people's research

A. It should only be attempted by experienced researchers.
B. It may cause researchers to avoid publishing good work.
C. It is currently being done to excess.
D. It can be useful in planning future research.
[单项选择]Time is money! We should ______ our time.

A. be fit for
B. make a good use of
C. play a part of
D. take the place of
[单项选择]______ enough money, we began to carry out our traveling plan.
A. Collecting B. To collect
C. Having collected D. Collected
[单项选择]______ out of money, we were reduced to staying in a cheap hotel.
A. Having almost run
B. Almost run
C. Almost being running
D. Having almost been run
[单项选择]Given more time and money, we ______ better than what it is.
A. had done
B. would to
C. could have clone
D. have done
[单项选择]She looked everywhere for her book but ______ had to return home without it.
A. lastly
B. at the end
C. in the end
D. at the last
[单项选择]The bridge looked so unsafe that we all______.
A. hung up
B. hung around
C. hung back
D. hung onto


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