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发布时间:2024-01-26 07:48:52

[单项选择]What two problems can be solved by burning garbage
A. The shortage of energy and air pollution.
B. The shortage of energy and the shortage of empty land for holding garbage.
C. Air pollution and the shortage of empty land for holding garbage.
D. Air pollution and the shortage of fossil fuel.

更多"What two problems can be solved by "的相关试题:

[单项选择]What message can we get from the two photos in the magazine

[单项选择]What can we infer from the last two paragraphs

A. There are some women who prefer casual clothes to formal ones on business occasions.
B. There are some women who refuse to wear formal clothes.
C. There are some women who are reluctant to wear formal clothes on business occasions.
D. There are some women who tend to adjust their dress in accordance with the working situation.
[单项选择]From the first two paragraphs, what can you predict about the main purpose of the study

A. The study is to expose the thought of a number of managers who were responsible for the application of organizational equality and diversity policies in the retailing industry.
B. The study is mainly about in the implementation of organizational diversity initiatives, employers need to take greater account of the tensions facing line managers.
C. Line managers regard a diversity management agenda concerned with recognizing and responding to individual differences.
D. The study is to explore through qualitative methods the understandings, perceptions of fair treatment and reported actions of a group of managers.
[单项选择]What can we infer from the two poor homeless men

A. They were begging for something to drink.
B. They bought coffee so that they could find themselves a shelter.
C. They were so annoying and scared people away.
D. They were homeless and was asking the author for help.
[单项选择]What can we infer from the first two sentences in the second paragraph

A. Producers can satisfy the consumers by mechanized production.
B. Consumers can express their demands through producers.
C. Producers decide the prices of products.
D. Supply and demand regulate prices.
[单项选择]What two holidays are mentioned in the passage

[单项选择]What can be inferred from "technology is a two-edged sword" in Paragraph 1

A. Patients can benefit a lot from medical technology.
B. People are suffering from misuse of medical technology.
C. We should be aware of the danger brought by medical technology.
D. Despite treatment improvement, technology can be harmful.

Passage Two
What is wind You can feel it, and you can sometimes hear it, too. You can’t see the wind, but you can see all kinds of plants and flowers moving in the wind. Grass moves in the wind. So do trees. What is the wind It is moving air.
What makes the air move Think of two places. They may be close to each other, or they may be far away. The air is cold in one place. But it is hot in the other. Warm air pushes up high into the sky. It goes higher than the cold air. The colder air then moves into the place where the warmer air used to be. The moving air is wind.
Winds move clouds in the sky. A nice day can turn cloudy in a short while. Sometimes the clouds are big and dark. Big, dark clouds hold a lot of water. Soon it begins to rain.
High winds can make a storm come fast. They can make a lot of noise, too. Sometimes they sound like a train going by. Very high winds have picked up big things like cars and trucks from the ground. S
A. moving air
B. lighter clouds
C. air pressure
D. cold air


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