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发布时间:2023-10-13 21:14:23

[单项选择]When the rainforests are cleared, they take a long time to come back.

A. 砍伐一空的热带雨林需要很长时间才能重新长成。
B. 当热带雨林干净的时候,他们花了很长一段的时间才长回去。
C. 当热带雨林被砍伐掉,他们花了很长一段时间才长回去。
D. 他们花了很长时间才把热带雨林砍伐掉。

更多"When the rainforests are cleared, t"的相关试题:

[单项选择]I decide to give up work and take a long sea ______ in order to have some valuable experiences.

A. trip
B. tour
C. voyage
D. journey
[单项选择]Her face brightened up when she saw her long-awaited friend _______.

A. turning off
B. turning away
C. turning in
D. turning up
[单项选择]When Jane began to take swimming lessons, her main ______ was the fear of water.
A. evidence
B. crisis
C. obstacle
D. danger
[单项选择]When the doctor proposed to him long walks in the fresh air, Mr. Park admitted ______ for a long walk for years.
A. not having been
B. not being
C. being not
D. having not been
[单项选择]How long will it take you to () the Customs formalities
A. go ahead
B. go around
C. go through
D. go away
[单项选择]How long will it take you to get the bank card if you have opened an account in a bank

A. Two weeks after you opened the account.
B. At least one week after you opened the account.
C. Less than a week after you opened the account.
D. Immediately after you opened the account.
[单项选择]The author believes that only when()can you take notes efficiently.
A. you become interested in the fly buzzing on the windowpane
B. you pay your undivided attention on lectures
C. you are distracted by a peculiar habit of the lecturer's
D. you let your mind wander
[单选题]The phrase “Cleared via flight planned route” should not be used when granting a _______ .
A.ATC clearance
B.flight plan
D.level change
[单项选择]How long was it from the time when China applied to join GATT till the deal between the US and China was signed

A. 10 years.
B. 13 years.
C. 17 years.
D. 20 years.
[单项选择]When the author uses the expression "it is a long shrug" in referring to Bowles's book, he is commenting on the ______.

A. length of the novel
B. indifference to the moral behavior of the characters
C. monotony of the story
D. sensational depravities of the book

Education is too important to take (1) , when people take anything for seriously, they put (2) blinders which cause them to miss the important aspects of (3) is going on around them. They (4) "tunnel vision," which limits and distorts their perception of (5) Education is too important to be limited by those who have chosen to wear blinders and develop tunnel vision.
I believe the (6) movement has encouraged many educators to take education too seriously. (7) we take education too seriously, we put standardized (8) scores above children, we put lesson plans above teachers, and we put on our blinders, only to see a rather small segment of the child--that segment that can be (9) easily (10) than looking at the child as a whole. By looking at the whole student, we can get a (11) of whether that student enjoys learning, (12) functioning well with others, and feels good (13) him
A. here
B. easy
C. simple
D. this


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