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发布时间:2023-10-13 19:57:28

[单项选择]How can the bees in the passage be described

A. Diligent.
B. Interesting.
C. Creative.
D. Cooperative.

更多"How can the bees in the passage be "的相关试题:

[单项选择]The passage can best be described as a

A. survey of the inadequacies of a conventional viewpoint
B. reconciliation of opposing points of view
C. summary and evaluation of a recent study
D. defense of a new thesis from anticipated objections
E. (E) review of the subtle distinctions between apparently similar views

Passage One
How men first learned to invent words is unknown; in other words, the origin of language is a mystery. All we really know is that men, unlike animals, somehow invented certain sounds to ex press thoughts and feelings, actions and things, so that they could communicate with each other; and that later they agreed upon certain signs, called letters, which could be combined to represent those sounds and which could be written down. Those sounds, whether spoken, or written in letters, we call words.
There power of words, then, lies in their associations the things they bring up before our minds. Words become filled with meaning for us by experience; and the longer we live, the more certain words recall to us the glad and sad events of our past; and the more we read and learn, the more the number of words that mean something to us increases.
Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also express these thoughts in words which
A. The more we read and learn, the more ignorant we are.
B. The more we read and learn, the more confused we are.
C. The more we read and learn, the more learned we are.
D. The more we read and learn, the more snobbish we becom

[单项选择]According to the passage, how did knowledge about chemical processes increase before the seventeenth century

A. Philosophers devised theories about chemical properties.
B. A special symbolic language was developed.
C. Experience led workers to revise their techniques.
D. Experts shared their discoveries with the public.
[单项选择]We can learn from the passage that information can _________.

A. be consumed through use
B. be delivered at a high speed
C. be shared by few people
D. not be reproduced
[单项选择]According to the passage, how do students in class often react to another student' s re search
A. They react the way they do to any other research.
B. They are especially critical of the quality of the research.
C. They offer unusually good suggestions for improving the work.
D. They show a lot of sympathy for the student researcher.
[单项选择]Based on the passage, how many of one hundred and twenty American couples of the beat generation practiced cohabitation

A. About 20 couples.
B. About 30 couples.
C. About 60 couples.
D. About 40 couples.
[单项选择]From the passage, we can conclude that

A. most of the gifted children became white collars.
B. Half of the gifted followed up graduated from all colleges.
C. Each of the talented published at least one article.
D. Bright men got higher income than bright women.
[单项选择]According to the passage, we can conclude that in some areas if farmers who grow grapes light fires in the early morning, that is because the farmers want to______.

A. drive away warm air
B. prevent cold air from coming to harm their plants
C. cause more wind
D. stop warm air running away
[单项选择]What the passage tells us can be summarized by the statement that ______.

A. potential disorganization is present in the American family
B. family disorganization is more or less the result of mobility
C. the movement of a family is one of the factors in raising its social status
D. social development results in a decline in the importance of traditional families
[单项选择]From the passage, we can know that()
A. chronic disease is the leading cause of death only in wealthy countries
B. chronic disease has developed alongside the country's economy
C. chronic disease is not the leading cause of death in China
D. more deaths occurred from the top three chronic diseases in cities than in rural areas in China
[单项选择]According to the passage, chimpanzees can't build power stations because______.

[单项选择]In this passage which word can function as a synonym for “discernment”

A. Caution.
B. Prudence.
C. Cleverness.
D. Perception.
[单项选择]From the passage, we can safely conclude that compulsive spenders or compulsive bargain hunters ______.

A. are really unreasonable
B. are really beyond remedies
C. need special treatment
D. can never get any help to solve their problem with money


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