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发布时间:2023-12-17 18:26:51

[单项选择]Which of the following sentences is possible to arouse ambiguity

A. Smoking cigarettes can be nauseating.
B. Tony is a dirty street fighter.
C. Fish and chip is delicious.
D. The man is too heavy to mov

更多"Which of the following sentences is"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT
A. We need to have lots of patience.
B. He dares not tell us his evil conduct.
C. His theory is all but correct.
D. I cannot help but be sorry
[单项选择]Which of the following sentences is true

A. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere carries heat into outer space so as to change the climate.
B. Carbon dioxide may escape into the greenhouse so that the Earth will be made warmer.
C. As carbon dioxide keeps heat from escaping into outer space, the Earth may become warmer.
D. Carbon dioxide may make the Earth warmer because it lets the heat escape into outer spac
[单项选择]Which of the following sentences is a COMMAND
A. Beg your pardon.
B. Have a good time.
C. Never do that again!
D. What noise you are making!
[单项选择]Which of the following is NOT the possible reason why it's appealing to fly in a private jet

A. The feeling of freedom and comfort brought by it.
B. The luxurious furniture such as leather chairs in it.
C. The excellent wines to relax oneself it provides.
D. The high-level treatment one receives like a president.
[单项选择]Which of the following is the least possible reason for the launching of the Manhattan Project

A. FranklinD. Roosevelt.
B. Nazi Germany.
C. Albert Einstein and other scientists.
D. The Second World War.
[单选题]Which of the following situation for which ATC is responsible is not an ATC accident?
A.category flight accident
B.airmiss due improper separation
C.forced landing of A/C
D.A/C with no controller monitoring
[简答题]In the following text, some sentences have been removed. For Questions 41-45, choose the most suitable one from the list (A、B、C、D、E、F、G……) to fit into each of the numbered blank. There are several extra choices, which do not fit in any of the gaps. (10 points) The ongoing increase in the number of self-financed university students and. the opening of private universities are indispensable steps if China is to develop the large and diverse education sector it will need to sustain its economic growth in the coming decades. But if paying tuition and housing fees becomes the norm, what will happen to students from poor families Should they just be written off Or provided with a trickle of charity scholarships just sufficient to bring a handful of the brightest poor students to each campus (41)______. For less gifted young people there is consider able financial aid in the form of partial scholarships based on economic need, government backed bank loans and campus jobs. Plus there are low-paying but nonetheless helpful off-campus jobs in the service sector, usually abundant in cities and towns with large student populations. Any modestly intelligent American kid from a poor family can, if he understands the value of a university education, find the means to attend university. (42)______. China needs easy educational credit. The cost of higher education here is still fairly low, especially relative to the salaries that people with university degrees are likely to be earning 10 or 15 years after graduation. Scholarships for the bright children of the rural and urban poor should be expanded, but something more is required: a system of cheap government-guaranteed long-term loans that any teenager admitted to a university could readily obtain. The investment would be modest, the social payoff huge in promoting talent, funneling ideas for development to out-of-the-way and economically depressed localities, and maintaining the country"s stability. (43)______. Having taught in China at the university level for many years, I am very much in favor of increasing the number of students from peasant and urban poor families. Some of the most impressive students I have known here tended water buffalo or planted rice as children—and many, nay most, of the least impressive grew up in prosperous urban families. (44)______. They are learning how to adapt to new settings and develop an understanding of people very different from themselves. Their eyes are open. (45)______. And these hot-house kids are supposed to make career choices at 18—on the basis of what In the end, of whatever other people are doing, or what their parents tell them to do, which amounts to much the same thing. This is about as foolish a way to conduct one"s life as I can imagine. They too need to acquire a sense of life as a grand exploration, however puzzling, and learn to negotiate alien environments and unfamiliar situations. They must learn to question and discover, to make their own mistakes and to learn from them.A. And they need to know their own country, which will never happen on the basis of classroom instruction and watching TV.B. In contrast, I am forever amazed to talk to quite bright Beijing kids who know next to nothing even about this city, their own immediate environment; worse, they do not have an inkling of the extent of their own ignorance.C. In the US, paradoxically, poor students often have an easier time financing their higher education than do middle-class kids. Bright teenagers from underprivileged backgrounds are actively recruited by elite private universities, which supply generous financial aid.D. Indeed, the system of loans ought to be open to secondary students as wells no child should be forced to drop out of school in today"s China because his or her parents can"t afford school fees.E. Mixing well-off Beijing kids with peasant and poor teenagers on campus is sure to produce better informed and shrewder Chinese citizens. Any campus in today"s China without a substantial number of peasant and poor students is not a fit environment for educating young people.F. The rural students in particular know things about life in China that are wholly lost on kids who have grown up inside over-protective Beijing families where they spent their adolescence doing precious little but play video games, watch TV and study for the national university entrance exam. The rural students have already had experience of two or three major social adjustments (typically village large town—big city); their lives are an unfolding exploration.G. In other words, it is cultural factors and psychological motivation, not family income, that determine who can go. Since World War Ⅱ, colleges and universities, above all low-cost state schools, have acted as social escalators lifting millions of poor, immigrant and working-class young people into the middle class.
[单项选择]Use the following words in sentences, to ______ their meanings.

A. bring to
B. bring about
C. bring out
D. bring up
[单项选择]Which of the following is one way in which Nevelson's art illustrates her theory as it is expressed in paragraph 4

A. She sculpts in wood rather than in metal or stone.
B. She paints her sculptures and frames them in boxes.
C. She makes no preliminary sketches but rather allows the sculpture to develop as she works.
D. She puts together pieces of ordinary objects once used for different purposes to make her sculptures.
[单项选择]All the following problems are implied as possible causes of campus suicide incidents EX- CEPT ______.

A. poor academic results
B. failing to get proper sleep
C. lack of family concern
D. family history of mental illness
[单项选择]Which of the following is true

A. Mr. Reese was luckier than the soldiers.
B. Both Mr. Reese and the soldiers were out of luck.
C. Nothing made Mr. Reese complain.
D. The soldiers wanted to help Mr. Reese.
[单项选择]Which of the following is TRUE

A. Most of those who died are said to have drowned.
B. Most of those who died are said to have caught flu.
C. Most of those who died are said to have caught malaria.
D. Most of those who died are said to have suffered from hunger.


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