Speech, whether oral or written, is a used commodity. If we are to be heard, we must (1) our words from those (2) to us within families, peer groups, societal institutions, and political net works. Our utterances position us both in an immediate social dialogue (3) our addressee and, simultaneously, in a larger ideological one (4) by history and society. We speak as an individual and also, as a student or teacher, a husband or wife, a person of a particular discipline, social class, religion, race, or other socially constructed (5) . Thus, to varying degrees, all speaking is a (6) of others’ words and all writing is rewriting. As language (7) , we experience individual agency by in fusing our own intentions (8) other people’s words, and this can be very hard.
(9) , schools, like into churches and courtrooms, are places (10) people speak words that are more important than they are. The words
A. sensible
B. critical
C. emergent
D. urgent