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发布时间:2023-10-11 16:50:57

[单项选择]PILOT : JET ::
A. actor : state
B. gate : prison
C. physician : health
D. fence : landscape
E. conductor : orchestra

更多"PILOT : JET ::"的相关试题:

[单选题]When taking off after a large jet takes off, the pilot is expected to _______ .
A.lift off before the jet’s rotation point
B.lift off beyond the jet’s rotation point
C.climb out above the jet’s flight path
D.both A and C
[单选题]When landing behind a large jet aircraft, the pilot is expected to _______ to avoid wake turbulence.
A.land at least 1,000ft beyond the jet’s touchdown point
B.stay above the jet’s glide path
C.touchdown beyond the jet’s touchdown point
D.both B and C
[单选题]When taking off after a large jet lands, the pilot is expected to lift off _______ to avoid possible wake turbulence.
A.beyond the jet’s touchdown point
B.before the jet’s touchdown point
C.1,000ft beyond the jet’s touchdown point
D.either A or B
[单选题]The controller may direct the pilot of the aircraft in distress to “squawk Mayday”. If this is the case, the pilot should _______ .
A.make a Mayday call
B.operate the transponder on a code specified by the controller
C.operate the transponder on Mode A 7700 and Mode C altitude reporting
D.operate the transponder on Mode A 7600
[单项选择]How many pilot job vacancies between 2003 and 2010 are predicted

A. 20000.
B. 27000.
C. 7000.
D. 14000.
[单项选择]When Pilot Office Peter Thwaites was away on business, his neighbour gave his wife ______ with the housework.

A. an aid
B. a help
C. a hand
D. a lift
[单项选择]The pilot asked all the passengers on board to remain ______ as the plane was making a landing.
A. seat
B. seating
C. seated
D. to be seating
[单选题]The pilot is flying at FL250, ATC gives an altimeter setting of 28.92 in Hg in the area. At what pressure altitude is the pilot flying?
C.lower than 25000ft
D.higher than 25000ft
[单选题]When the pilot reports runway in sight during an ASR and there is reasonable assurance that a landing effected _______ .
A.the pilot checks his minimums
B.the controller clears the aircraft to land
C.the ASR may be terminated
D.the pilot goes around
[单项选择]The jet quickly () into the sky and soon went out of our view.
A. ascended
B. launched
C. assessed
D. descended
[单选题]If a pilot does not wish to use a SID issued in an ATC clearance or any other SID published for that location, he is expected to advise _______.
B.area controller
C.another pilot
[单选题]PIREPs are pilot reports of current _______ .
A.flight status
C.weather conditions
D.Both B and C
[单项选择]The jet quickly ______ into the sky and soon went out of our view.
A. ascended
B. launched
C. assessed
D. descended
[单选题]The pilot should terminate the readback by _______ .
A.the aircraft’s call sign
B.the ATC call sign
C.the word “out”
D.the word “over”
[单项选择]A pilot would be most -------, if, on hearing of imminent bad weather, he sent forth a distress signal at a time too ------- to ascertain the reality of the danger.

A. craven... premature
B. hortatory... nonchalant
C. pusillanimous ... belated
D. timorous ... anodyne
E. (E) ignoble ... convenient
[单项选择]On the giant plane there are ______ the jet needs.
A. twice engines than
B. twice as engines as
C. as twice many engines as
D. twice as many engines as
[单选题]Pilot turns on squawk _______ to request a squawk number.


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