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发布时间:2023-10-10 16:11:20

[单项选择]Where can you most probably have a chance of seeing fishes

A. At the Pyramid and the Future Tower.
B. At the Travel Pavilion and the Pyramid.
C. At the Nature Park and the Travel Pavilion.
D. At the Future Tower and the Nature Park.

更多"Where can you most probably have a "的相关试题:

[单项选择]Can you guess where this passage is from

A. A novel (小说).
B. A newspaper.
C. A diary.

Passage Three
The most important thing you can do for a family member or friend who is depressed is to help him or her get an appropriate diagnosis and treatment. This may involve encouraging him or her to stay with treatment until symptoms begin to abate. On occasion, it may require making an appointment and accompanying your loved one to the doctor. It may also mean monitoring whether he is taking medication. Encourage your friend to obey the doctor’s orders about the use of alcoholic products while on medication. The second most important thing is to offer emotional support. This involves understanding, patience, affection, and encouragement. Do not despise feelings expressed, but point out realities and offer hope. Do not ignore remarks about suicide. Report them to your friend’s therapist. Invite your friend for walks, outings, to the movies, and other activities. Be gently insistent if your invitation is refused. Encourage participation in some ac
A. Don't care about his saying because he won't do it.
B. Monitor whether he is taking medication.
C. Inform the patient's doctor and get help.
D. Accuse him of pretending illness.

[单项选择]Woman: When can you ever listen to what I have to say
Man: Can you do me a favor and disappear now
Question: What does the man mean
[单项选择]I have kept the photo of my classmates where I can see it every day, as it always reminds me of my university days in London()
A. 我每天都把我同班同学的照片放在我能看到的地方,因为它总能使我想起在伦敦读大学的那些日子。
B. 我已经保存了我同班同学的照片,放在了我每天能看到的地方,因为它总能使我想起伦敦的大学岁月。
C. 我把我同班同学的照片放在厂我每天能看到的地方,因为它总能使我想起在伦敦读大学的那些日子。
D. 我已经保存了我同班同学的照片,每天都能看到它,它总是提醒我要记住在伦敦读大学时的那段生活。
[单项选择]Before you can fly a plane in the sky you have to learn the ______ of flying it.
A. skill
B. technology
C. knowledge
D. ability

Most people can remember a time in their lives when they learned something almost by accident, that is, without consciously (有意识地) trying to learn it. Often this kind of learning happens when we are trying to learn something else. For example, many people learn a number of English words not by memorizing them or studying them directly, but by doing something they enjoy, like listening to popular songs that contain them. Similarly, some people learn words in Chinese or Japanese not by studying those languages directly, but by studying martial arts, such as kung fu or aikido, in which Chinese or Japanese terms are used. Foreign students in the United States often learn the system of measurement simply by having to shop and cook for themselves. Those activities require them to learn words like pound, gallon, inch and yard.
Many educators believe that such a kind of learning, generally called content-based learning, is the best way to learn the rules of a system. Supp
A. He doubts it.
B. He supports it.
C. He thinks it funny.
D. He finds it impractical.

[单项选择]You can never imagine what great trouble I have had()the patient who received a serious wound.
A. treat
B. to treat
C. treating
D. treated
[单项选择]You can ask______ if you want to have your clothes washed.

A. the front desk
B. the room staff
C. the hotel bar
[单项选择]Most baby can take in a wide range of food easily.

A. bring
B. digest
C. keep
D. serve
[单项选择]Out of office hours, if you have questions you should go to______.
A. the Ground Floor
B. The First Floor
C. The Second Floor
D. The Fourth Floor
[单项选择]I have given you my advice, whether or not you act on it is up to you.()
A. 我已经给你我的建议,你是否采纳建议,要看它对你的作用了。
B. 我已经把我的意见告诉你了,至于你是否按照做,那就看你的了。
C. 我已经给你我的建议,你是否按建议去做,是你的责任。
D. 我的建议是:你自己决定是否去做那件事。
[单项选择]You can never imagine what great difficulty I have______ your house.

A. found
B. to find
C. finding
D. for finding
[单项选择]Where are the most probable Gypsy territory origins

A. Most probably they drifted west from India in the 7th century.
B. They are scattered everywhere in the world.
C. Probably, they stemmed from Central Europe.
D. They probably came from the International Romany Union.


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