There seem to be two main reasons that
women cry more often. One is biological. Up to age 12, boys and girls cry
equally often. From then until age 18, the level of the hormone prolactin(催乳激素)
rises in young women, until their blood contains 60 per-cent more than men’ s.
And prolactin affects the production of tears. On the sociological side, men in particular are conditioned out of crying. From the age of 12 or 13, boys are told that crying shows a loss of control, that it is a sign of weakness. If men step outside the norm and show their feelings in the workplace, they run the risk of getting labels attached that are not complimentary. Researches on conversations show that women are more likely to talk about feelings, men about activities. This is a reflection of our socialization. Also, men are more likely to express th A. Men don’t have prolactin in their body. B. When women get old, they have problem with not enough tears. C. To boys, they were taught that crying is a sign of weakness. D. Men usually don’t show their feelings in the workplace. [单项选择]Words 5000 is the only book that ______ these words.
A. explain B. explains C. to explain D. have explained [判断题]电网管理单位应掌握、分析分布式电源接入配变台区状况,确保接入设备满足有关技术标准。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]铁路职业道德是维护铁路运输安全生产.提高铁路经济效益.保持铁路竞争优势的重要保证。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]企业自产自用应税产品而应交纳的资源税,应计入( )科目。
A. 制造费用 B. 生产成本 C. 主营业务成本 D. 营业税金及附加 [简答题]作风建设为什么要聚焦到反“四风”上?
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]持票人可以不按票据债务人的先后顺序,对其中任何一人、数人或全体行使追索权。
[单选题]接到暴雨预报电报(传真)的有关各单位必须在预报的暴雨来临前( )小时进入“戒备”状态。
A.5 B.4 C.6 D.8 [多项选择]委托人应在()约定的期限内偿还监理人为实施监理垫付的必要的费用及其利息。
A. 《通用条件》 B. 《专用条件》 C. 《附件》 D. 《标准条件》 E. 《补充协议》 [多项选择]阻火器是化工生产常用的部件,多安装在易燃易爆气体的设备及管道的排空管上,常用的阻火器有()。
A. 砾石阻火器 B. 金属网阻火器 C. 波形散热式阻火器 D. 玻璃阻火器 [单选题]按《建筑施工项目经理质量安全责任十项规定(试行)》规定.合同约定的项目经理未 在岗履职的.一次记3分。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]二号线FAS系统联动关系表中,二次联动电梯切非的必要条件是接收电梯迫降的反馈信号()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]电能计量装置中电压互感器二次回路电压降应不大于其额定二次电压的( )
A.0.002 B.0.0025 C.0.01 D.0.005 [单选题]进入有限空间作业人员按规定穿戴( ),D型环与安全绳相连,安全绳有牢固挂点。
A.全身式安全带 B.救生服 C.运动衣 [判断题]符合消防电梯要求的客梯或货梯可兼作消防电梯。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]CT成像设备即将发生的重大变化是()
A. 大孔径CT B. 全身螺旋CT C. 多层螺旋CT D. 双层螺旋CT E. 平板探测器CT 我来回答: 提交