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发布时间:2023-10-10 00:32:34

[单项选择]The first American state that ended the practice of death penalty is ______.

A. Pennsylvania
B. New York State
C. New Mexico
D. Arizona

更多"The first American state that ended"的相关试题:

[单项选择]All of the following are the "first" in the life of Elizabeth Blackwell, except that ______.

A. she became the first female physician
B. she was the first woman surgeon
C. she founded the first hospital for women and children
D. she established the first medical school for women
[单项选择]Eugene O’Neil’s first full-length play ______, made a great hit and won him the first Pulitzer Prize.
[A] Anna Christie [B] Beyond the Horizon
[C] Bound East to Cardiff [D] The Long Voyage Home

Text 3
European farm ministers have ended three weeks of negotiations with a deal which they claim represents genuine reform of the common agricultural policy(CAP). Will it be enough to kickstart the Doha world trade negotiations
On the face of it, the deal agreed in the early hours of Thursday June 26th looks promising. Most subsidies linked to specific farm products are, at last, to be broken—the idea is to replace these with a direct payment to farmers, unconnected to particular products. Support prices for several key products, including milk and butter, are to be cut—that should mean European prices eventually falling towards the world market level. Cutting the link between subsidy and production was the main objective of proposals put forward by Mr. Fischler, which had formed the starting point for the negotiations.
The CAP is hugely unpopular around the world, ft subsidises European farmers to such an extent that they can undercut
A. European farm ministers finally reached a consensus
B. the link between farm products and subsidies is removed
C. farmers would definitely accept the direct payment to them
D. European farm products will reach a lower price level than the world

[单项选择]I suppose the party ended in a friendly atmosphere, isn't it

[单项选择]What abruptly ended Thompson’s dream of the past

A. The realization that this was only a time-consuming fantasy.
B. The glimpse of an important clue to future discovery.
C. A resolution derived from his fantasy that he must learn more about this great past city.
D. The locating of the mysterious Sacred Well.
[单项选择]The reason why I left before the meeting ended was ______ I was bored by the lengthy speeches.

A. that
B. because
C. because that
D. for
[单项选择]Passage ThreeA. It ended soon when the bus drivers’ demand was satisfied.
B. It would continue despite offer for wage increase.
C. It wouldn’t end until next Monday.
D. It failed for both sides couldn’t reach an agreement.
[单项选择]______ has been ended worldwide.

A. Polio
B. Measles
C. Rubella
D. Smallpox
[单项选择]After the War with Mexico ended in 1848, Mexico was forced to agree to give ______ to the United States.
A. Florida and New Orleans
B. Louisiana and Ohio
C. New England and Mississippi
D. California and New Mexico
[单项选择]Why is education much more open-ended and all-inclusive than schooling

A. because education knows no bounds and can take place anywhere.
B. because education includes both the formal learning and the whole universe of informal learning.
C. because the agents of education can range from a variety of people.
D. All of the above.
[单项选择]We can see from the first paragraph that the first Labor Day march ______.

A. immediately won nationwide support
B. involved workers from 30 states
C. was opposed by many factory owners
D. was organized by the UBCJ
[单项选择]The Israeli couple ended kissing on ______.
A. Tuesday morning
B. Tuesday evening
C. Wednesday morning
D. Wednesday evening
[单项选择]The Wars of Roses was ended by ______ who destroyed the forces of the two sides of the wars, and the feudal basis of society was completely broken.

A. Henry Ⅱ
B. Henry Ⅶ
C. Henry Ⅷ
D. Henry Ⅳ


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