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发布时间:2023-09-27 15:53:01

[单项选择]The primary purpose of the second paragraph is which of the following

A. To show that Augustan Rome and fifth-century Athens are examples of cultural, economic, and military expansion against which all subsequent cases must be measured.
B. To suggest that cultural, economic and military advances have tended to be closely interrelated in different societies.
C. To argue that, while the revivals of Augustan Rome and fifth-century Athens were similar, they are unrelated to other historical examples.
D. To indicate that, wherever possible, historians should seek to make comparisons with the earliest chronological examples of revival.

更多"The primary purpose of the second p"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The primary purpose of paragraph I is to ______.
A. summarize past research and introduce a new study
B. describe a historical period
C. emphasize the advantages of one theory over another
D. define a term and illustrate it with an example

Usually the primary purpose of textbook writing is to inform. In textbooks, authors wellinformed in a particular subject or discipline identify the terms, facts, and opinions considered essential to an understanding of the field. While authors’ personal interests play a role in what terms or facts are selected and how they are interpreted, the writing bears a primary or central goal which is not to persuade you to see things from the same perspective. In fact, textbook authors frequently give equal time to opposing points of view so that readers can draw their own conclusion.
However, as you turn from your textbooks to the pages of newspapers and magazines, you may encounter writers with other primary goals. Some write to entertain; others write simply to air a personal preference. However, a good portion of the writers you encounter, particularly on the editorial (社论) pages, write in the hope that you will share or at least seriously consider adopting their
A. they are only interested in the facts provided by the article
B. they make a judgement of the arguments given in the article
C. they do not accept the arguments provided by the article.
D. they are able to distinguish between facts and opinions given in the articl

[单项选择]The authors primary purpose in writing this passage was to ______.

A. plead for the abolishment of uniforms
B. show that uniforms are not possible in a democratic society
C. advocate stronger governmental controls on the wearing of uniforms
D. convince the reader that uniforms have more disadvantages than advantages
[单项选择]The author's primary purpose is to

A. answer a theoretical question in the field of dinosaur thermoregulation
B. discuss the current state of research in the field of dinosaur thermoregulation
C. resolve a dispute in the field of dinosaur thermoregulation research
D. predict a future crisis in the field of dinosaur thermoregulation research
E. (E) suggest some of the possible benefits of a technique in dinosaur thermoregulation research
[单项选择]The primary purpose of the passage is to

A. point out that theories about the functioning of olfactory sensation have failed to change despite experimental inquiry
B. suggest means by which the impact of odors that irritate human subjects may eventually be lessened
C. describe the attempt of scientists to understand the degree to which odor perception is learned or innate
D. demonstrate that efforts to understand the psychobiological basis for human perception is too difficult for modern laboratory techniques
E. (E) describe how the emotional pairing process in odor sensation can lead to the experience of irritation
[单项选择]The primary purpose of this passage is to explain that ______.


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