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发布时间:2023-10-20 06:07:42

[单项选择]Malaria is all infectious parasitic disease that can be either acute or chronic and is frequent______.
A. repeating
B. terminal
C. debilitating
D. recurrent

更多"Malaria is all infectious parasitic"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Eating too much fat can ______ heart disease and cause high blood pressure.
A. attribute to
B. attend to
C. devote to
D. contribute to
[单项选择]A) at all C) any longer
B) just D) in any way

A. at all
B. just
C. any longer
D. in any way
[单项选择]A. Disease. B. Food shortage.
C. Wars. D. All of the above.
[单项选择]All of the following are opposed to the proposed constitution EXCEPT______.


The symptoms of the disease manifested themselves ten days later.  

A. eased
B. appeared
C. improved
D. relieved
[单项选择]Most of all, older men and women must regain the chance to live as free human beings with dignity and respect in ______ with our democratic principles.
A. cooperation
B. connection
C. harmony
D. solidarity.
[单项选择]Culture shock is called an occupational disease mainly because ______.

A. like all other diseases it has its own signs and cure
B. only those who engage in culture work suffer from it
C. it is hard to get rid of
D. only those living in a strange culture may experience it
[单项选择]What do many scientists worry about the disease

A. There is no effective way of treating it.
B. It may spread quickly among birds and poultry.
C. It may affect the world economy and politics.
D. It may change to an epidemic among human beings.
[单项选择]A deadly disease has affected these animals.
A. contagious
B. serious
C. fatal
D. worrying
New US Plan for Disease Prevention
Urging Americans to take responsibility for their health, Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson on Tuesday launched a $15 million program to try to encourage communities to do more to prevent chronic diseases like heart disease, cancer and diabetes.
The initiative highlights the cost of chronic diseases-the leading causes of death in the United States-and outlines ways that people can prevent them, including better diet and increased exercise.
"In the United States today, 7 of 10 deaths and the vast majority of serious illness, disability and health care costs are caused by chronic diseases." the Health and Human Services Department said in a statement.
The causes are often behavioral-smoking, poor eating habits and a lack of exercise.
"I am convinced that preventing disease by promoting better health is a smart policy choice for our future." Thompson told a conference held to launch the initiative.
"Our current health care system is not structured to deal with the escalating costs of treating diseases that are largely preventable through changes in our lifestyle choices."
Thompson said heart disease and strokes will cost the country more than $ 351 billion in 2003.
"These leading causes of death for men and women are largely preventable, yet we as a nation are not taking the steps necessary for us to lead healthier, longer lives." he said.
The $ 15 million is slated to go to communities to promote prevention, pushing for changes as simple as building sidewalks to encourage people to walk more.
Daily exercise such as walking can prevent and even reverse heart disease and diabetes, and prevent cancer and strokes.
The money will also go to community organizations, clinics and nutritionists who are being encouraged to work together to educate people at risk of diabetes about what they can do to prevent it and encourage more cancer screening.
The American Cancer Society estimates that half of all cancers can be caught by screening, including Pap tests for cervical cancer, mammograms for breast cancer, colonoscopies, and prostate checks.
If such cancers were all caught by early screening, the group estimates that the survival rate for cancer would rise to 95 percent.Which of the following is NOT true of chronic diseases in the US______
A. They account for 70% of all deaths.
B. They are responsible for most of the health care costs.
C. They often result in unhealthy lifestyles.
D. They are largely preventable.
New US Plan for Disease Prevention

Urging Americans to take responsibility for their health, Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson on Tuesday launched a $15 million program to try to encourage communities to do more to prevent chronic diseases like heart disease, cancer and diabetes.
The initiative highlights the cost of chronic diseases—the leading causes of death in the United States—and outlines ways that people can prevent them, including better diet and increased exercise.
"In the United States today, 7 of 10 deaths and the vast majority of serious illness, disability and health care costs are caused by chronic diseases," the Health and Human Services Department said in a statement.
The causes are often behavioral—smoking, poor eating habits and a lack of exercise.
"I am convinced that preventing disease by promoting better health is a smart po
A. They account for 70% of all deaths.
B. They are responsible for most of the health care costs.
C. They often result in unhealthy lifestyles.
D. They are largely preventable.

[单项选择]While disease is present prior to social organization, communal life creates special hazards. While the organization of society can reduce the dangers of disease, trade and urbanization, with their consequent problems of sanitation and pollution, can also aggravate such dangers. Even in the mid-twentieth century, during the brief calm between the polio and AIDS epidemics, epidemic health risks associated with carcinogens (cancer-producing substances ) from polluted air threatened the industrialized world.   To the economist, efforts to combat these risks are at least partially public goods. The benefits from public goods are indivisible among beneficiaries. A sole private purchaser of health care would give others in society a "free ride" with respect to the benefits obtained. To market theorists, such goods are lawful objects of governmental intervention in the market. While the theory of public goods helps explain aspects of public health law and assists in fitting it into modern ec
A. Government involvement in health care is characterized by action.
B. Philosophical considerations weigh less in making health policies.
C. Health organizations took common diseases as an essential part of daily life.
D. Modern public health agencies provide comprehensive protection against most diseases.


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