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发布时间:2023-10-10 19:18:42

[单项选择]Except on official ( )such as formal receptions, American society has a certain amount of informality.
A. cases
B. situations
C. events
D. occasions

更多"Except on official ( )such as forma"的相关试题:

[单项选择]It can be inferred about formal schooling in colonial North America that ________.

A. it was generally required by law
B. it was considered relatively unimportant
C. it was highly disciplined
D. it was improperly administered


[单项选择]All of the following statements are true EXCEPT that______.

A. household and neighborhood used to be centers of production and work
B. the land used to be the means of living
C. many people work far away from their home
D. the goal of creating jobs for all will finally be reached, for all its difficulty

Passage Three
Bears mostly live alone, except for mothers and their babies, and males and females during mating season. Bears form temporary groups only in exceptional circumstances, when food is plentiful in a small areA. Recent evidence also suggests that giant pandas may form small social groups, perhaps because bamboo is more concentrated than the patchy food resources of other bear species. Other bears may live alone but exist in a social network. A male and female may live in an area partly shared in common—although they tolerate each other, each defends, its range from other bears of the same sex. Male young usually leave their mothers to live in other areas, but female young often live in a range that is commonly shared with that of their mother.
The key to a bear’s survival is finding enough food to satisfy the energy demands of its large size. Bears travel over huge territories in search of food, and they remember the details of the l
A. their babies need to be born in a cold and protected surrounding
B. they need to fatten themselves up in the cold season
C. they need to convert their fat into energy in winter
D. they cannot find enough food in the cold season

[单项选择]In communication one may shift from formal English to informal English or from standard English to non-standard English. This is known as ______.

A. code-switching
B. language planning
C. politeness strategies
D. bilingualism

Formal economic forecasting is usually based on a (1) theory as to how the economy works. Some theories are complicated, and their application requires an elaborate (2) of cause and effect. Others are relatively simple, (3) most developments in the economy to one or two basic factors. Many economists, for example, believe that changes in the supply of money (4) the rate of growth of general business activity. Others (5) a central role to investment in new facilities-- housing, industrial plants, highways, and so forth. In the United States, where consumers (6) such a large share of economic activity, some economy believe that consumer decisions to (7) or save provide the principal (8) to the future course of the entire economy. Obviously the theory that a forecaster applies is of (9) importance to the forecasting process; it (10) his line of investigation, the statistics he will regard as most important, and ma
A. specific
B. peculiar
C. unique
D. unified

[多项选择]The following information is contained in a formal invitation you have received. Follow the directions and write an appropriate reply to it.
[单项选择]The panel agreed on all of the following except that ______.

A. the ban on federal funds for human cloning should be made a law
B. the cloning of human DNA is not to be put under more control
C. it is criminal to use private funding for human cloning
D. it would be against ethical values to clone a human being
[单项选择]The library is open every day except Sunday from half past eight in the morning till five in the afternoon.
A. 除了在星期日,图书馆上午八点半起至下午五点开放外,其余时候全天开放。
B. 除了星期日以外,图书馆每天上午八点半起至下午五点钟打开。
C. 除了星期日以外,图书馆每天上午八点半起至下午五点钟开放。
D. 包括星期日在内,图书馆每天上午八点半起至下午五点钟开放。
[单项选择]It is ______ for her to wear a formal suit at the homely little party.
A. out of order
B. out of question
C. out of place
D. out of practice
[单项选择]According to official statistics, retail sales in China rose 10% and 12.2% in the first and the second quarter ______ this year.

A. accordingly
B. correspondingly
C. respectively
D. individually
[单项选择]正式的技术评审FTR(Formal Technical Review)是软件工程师组织的软件质量保证活动,下面关于FTR指导原则中不正确的是()
A. 评审产品,而不是评审生产者的能力
B. 要有严格的评审计划,并遵守日程安排
C. 对评审中出现的问题要充分讨论,以求彻底解决
D. 限制参与者人数,并要求评审会之前做好准备
[单项选择]Lawrence will do anything for Lily except()her money.
A. lending
B. lend
C. borrowing
D. borrow
[单项选择]A business letter should be written in a formal style ( ) a personal one.
A. less than
B. better than
C. other than
D. rather than
[单项选择]Although Kerry has had no formal education, he is one of the ______ businessmen in the company.
A. alertest
B. sternest
C. nastiest
D. shrewdest
[单项选择]Which hotel is the official hotel for the celebration of First Night 2003, Boston

A. The Greater Boston Hotel.
B. The First Night Boston Hotel.
C. The Official Hotel.
D. The Boston Park Plaza Hotel.
[单项选择]Ads do the following EXCEPT ______.

A. providing persuasive information on products
B. consuming millions of dollars
C. providing sometimes misleading information
D. communicating fair prices to consumers


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