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发布时间:2023-10-10 15:34:17

[单项选择]I was speaking to Ann on the phone when suddenly we were ().
A. cut off
B. cut down
C. cut back
D. cut out

更多"I was speaking to Ann on the phone "的相关试题:

[单项选择]I was speaking to Ann on the phone when suddenly we were ______.

A. hurry up
B. cut off
C. hurry back
D. cut down
[单项选择]We were suddenly ______ when I was speaking to John on the phone.
A. hung
B. cut down
C. cut off
D. hung back
[单项选择]() finished speaking when someone rose to refute his points.
A. Hardly he had
B. He hardly has
C. Had he hardly
D. Hardly had he
[单项选择]Man closes his eyes quickly when a fly suddenly rushes to his face. We call it the ______ reaction of human being.

A. voluntary
B. stern
C. intrinsic
D. natural
[单项选择]The meeting was ( ) when the chairman suddenly fell ill.
A. put downs
B. cut short
C. put off
D. set off
[单项选择]Scarcely () asleep when the phone rang.
A. had I fallen
B. I had fallen
C. fell I
D. I fell
[单项选择]A good idea suddenly ______ to me when I was worrying about that problem.

A. took place
B. happened
C. occurred
D. took

1 I was leaving the office when the phone rang.
2 "John It’s Mike," he said. "Mike Clarke."
3 There was something broken in the sound of his voice.
4 Clarke is a Chicago guy from the Northwest Side who moved his family to a McHenry County farm because he loved the countryside. He’s the SBC worker and turkey farmer I’ve written about.
5 This spring, he was charged with felonies and branded a vigilante in the local papers there. His 19-year-old son also was charged. Clarke’s family was shamed. They were the subject of common talk in a small country town.
6 And what exactly was his crime
7 Protecting his family and his neighbor—a frightened elderly woman—from a hooded stranger late at night.
8 Clarke called 911, but witnesses say it took police almost an hour to get there. The stranger repeatedly refused to identify himself as he walked toward the Clarke home. So Clarke ta
A. had some physical contact with the stranger
B. frightened an elderly lady
C. made a call to police
D. asked the stranger about his identity

[单项选择]Ann covered it with Christmas lights.

[单项选择]After driving for thirty miles, she suddenly realized that she ______ in the wrong direction.
A. was driving
B. has been driving
C. had been driving
D. drove
[单项选择]On reaching the top floor I suddenly realized that I ( )_ my book on the service desk.
A. leaves
B. left
C. had left
D. was left
[单项选择]An earthquake, which could suddenly happen in places where there are many people, is very harmful.

A. 地震因为可能会突然发生在人口稠密的地方,所以是十分有害的。
B. 地震发生的地方人口稠密,它是十分有害的。
C. 那次地震破坏性十分大,因为它发生在人口稠密的地方。
D. 地震是十分有害的,它往往会发生在人口稠密的地方。
[单项选择]The shuttle exploded in the air suddenly and broke into ______ at once.
A. diversity
B. fragments
C. doctrine
D. drought
[单项选择]My friends arrived suddenly with nowhere to stay so I put them ______ for the night.
A. up
B. in
C. out
D. down

Imagine a world in which there was suddenly no emotion—a world in which human beings could feel no love or happiness, no terror or hate. Try to imagine the consequences of such a transformation. People might not be able to stay alive, knowing neither joy nor pleasure, neither anxiety nor fear, they would be as likely to repeat acts that hurt them as acts that were beneficial. They could not learn: they could not benefit from experience because this emotionless world would lack rewards and punishments. Society would soon disappear: people would be as likely to harm one another as to provide help and support. Human relationships would not exist: in a world without friends or enemies, there could be no marriage, affection among companions, or bonds among members of groups. Society’s economic underpinnings would be destroyed: since earning $10 million would be more pleasant than earning $10, there would be no incentive to work. In fact, there would be no incentives of any
A. the ability to make money
B. the will to work for pleasure
C. the capacity to enjoy incentives
D. the categorizations of our emotional experiences


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