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发布时间:2023-10-23 03:36:31


Text 1
India has about a billion people and a dozen major languages of its own. One language, and only one, is understood-by the elite- across the country: that of the foreigners who ruled India for less than 200 years and left 52 years ago.
Today, India. Tomorrow, unofficially, the world. That is well under way; at first, because the British not only built global empire but also it was settled by America, and now because the world (and notably America) has acquired its first truly global--and interactive--medium, the Internet.
It is estimated that some 350 million people speak English as their first language. Maybe 250 - 350 million do or can use it as a second language; in excolonial countries, notably, or in English--majority ones, like 30 million recently immigrants to the United States, or Canada’s 6 million francophone Quebeckers. And elsewhere.’ The guess is 100 million--1 billion depending how you define "can". Let us b
A. there are not many audiences
B. all the audiences know that foreign language
C. the audiences don' t like it very much
D. the language spoken on-screen is English

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Text 1
India has about a billion people and a dozen major languages of its own. One language, and only one, is understood-by the elite- across the country: that of the foreigners who ruled India for less than 200 years and left 52 years ago.
Today, India. Tomorrow, unofficially, the world. That is well under way; at first, because the British not only built global empire but also it was settled by America, and now because the world (and notably America) has acquired its first truly global--and interactive--medium, the Internet.
It is estimated that some 350 million people speak English as their first language. Maybe 250 - 350 million do or can use it as a second language; in excolonial countries, notably, or in English--majority ones, like 30 million recently immigrants to the United States, or Canada’s 6 million francophone Quebeckers. And elsewhere.’ The guess is 100 million--1 billion depending how you define "can". Let us b
A. 20-25% of earth's 6 billion people can use American English
B. 20-25% of earth' s 6 billion people can use Dr. Johnson' s English
C. 20-25% of earth's 6 billion people can use standard English
D. 20-25% of earth's 6 billion people can use English though not idiomatic

[单项选择]What do we learn about deserts from this text
A. Deserts can change into green and fertile areas.
B. Certain areas have always been desert.
C. Deserts were once the home of elephants and giraffes.
D. Deserts have been growing since the beginning of the worl
[单项选择]According to the text, what do we know about non-regular gamblers

[单项选择]_________ brings about happiness has utility, according to the doctrine of utilitarianism.

A. It
B. each
C. Whatever
D. Why
[单项选择]What is the text about

A. Advertisement of a new shop.
B. Working days of the new shop.
C. Address of the new shop.
[单项选择]What is this text about

A. Using the City Hall.
B. Making telephone calls.
C. The building services in town.
[单项选择]Next time I go there, I ______ them about what has happened recently.
A. ask
B. shall ask
C. asked
D. asks


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