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发布时间:2023-10-10 13:07:36

[单项选择]The Russian official's visit to China aims at______.

A. strengthening security cooperation
B. expanding into Central and Eastern Europe
C. discussing border issues
D. reaching a bilateral agreement in economy

更多"The Russian official's visit to Chi"的相关试题:

[单项选择]This development is ______ with the company's aims of reducing its costs.

A. convenient
B. controversial
C. conventional
D. consistent
[简答题]China’s active participation in international institutions creates more chances to bring cooperation on key issues. Moreover, China now brings more resources and influence to the table. Beijing’s lead role in addressing the Korean nuclear crisis is one such example. American leaders should encourage the expansion of such cooperation to other security problems, in order to manage mutual threat perceptions and build trust on both sides. Such efforts will be critical to stabilizing a bilateral relationship most noted for its ups and downs.
For the next two decades, China’s primary focus will remain internal, on its numerous domestic problems. After all, the continued economic and political modernization of the world’s most populous country is no small task. China’s top political leaders have deemed the next 20 years a strategic opportunity to develop their country. But an opening exists for the international community as well, and U. S. policymakers should use it wisely, to address t
[简答题]give full exposure to China’s tourism resources
[单项选择]China"s employment and re-employment situation remains tough with a surge this year in the number of graduates hitting the job market and in unemployment in general, a senior official said. The country"s registered average unemployment rate in urban areas reached 4 per cent last year and is expected to go higher this year, Labour and Social Security Minister Zheng Silin told Xinhua yesterday. There are nearly 14 million laid-off workers in urban areas so far. And more than 10 million new graduates are predicted to enter the work force, Zheng said. To make things worse, about 150 million rural workers will head to the cities to seek employment, he said. Zheng, who was appointed as the minister during the first session of the 10th National People"s Congress in March, has urged his departments nationwide to do more to assist laid-off workers to restart their lives.What is the most appropriate title for this passage about China"s employment
A. Tough Year for Job Seekers
B. College Graduates Challenged by Employment
C. Too Many Workers Laid Off This Year
D. Minister Hopeful of Employment Prospective
[填空题]Lien Chan’ s successful visit to the Mainland of China encouraged more and more Chinese people ___________________(为祖国的未来作贡献).

[填空题]The latest census shows that China’s population (exceed) ______ one billion.

[单项选择]A man came to visit the boy's father on ______ .

A. the second day
B. the fifth day
C. the third day
[单项选择]I am ______ see the sights of China's capital city.
A. impatient with
B. impatient to
C. depend on
D. depend of
[填空题]China’s population ________(characterize) by its large proportion of rural population.
[单项选择]From the passage we know that welfare reform aims at______.
A. saving welfare funds
B. rebuilding the work ethic
C. providing more jobs
D. cutting government expenses


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