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发布时间:2023-09-29 03:13:42

[单项选择]Trial and error are the source of our knowledge.

A. is
B. were
C. has
D. have been

更多"Trial and error are the source of o"的相关试题:

[单项选择]What can be learnt about the trial

A. It will start soon.
B. It has already started.
C. It stopped temporarily.
D. It came to an en
[单项选择]The famous trial scene between Portia and Shylock comes from_________.

[单项选择]Why did the appeals judges also criticized trial judge Thomas Penfield Jackson

A. Because he order Microsoft be broken up into separate companies.
B. Because he dared not order Microsoft to be broken up into separate companies.
C. Because of his comments concerning the case inside and outside the courtroom.
D. Because he was late for the court.
[单项选择]Our reactions to others' challenge of our beliefs may cover all of the following EXCEPT_________

A. resentment
B. self-justification
C. disappointment
D. defense

Mummies capture our imaginations and our hearts. Full of secrets and magic, they were once people who lived and loved, just as we do today. I believe we should honor these ancient dead and let them rest in peace.
There are some secrets of the pharaohs, however, that can be revealed only by studying their mummies. By carrying out CT scans of King Tutankhamun’s mummy, we were able in 2005 to show that he did not die from a blow to the head, as many people believed. Our analysis revealed that a hole in the back of his skull had been made during the mummification process. The study also showed that Tutankhamun died when he was only 19—perhaps soon after he suffered a fracture to his left leg. But there are mysteries surrounding Tutankhamun that even a CT scanner cannot reveal. Now we have probed even deeper into his mummy and returned with extraordinary revelations about his life, his birth, and his death.
Ten years after ascending the throne, Tutankhamun
A. a baby before it is born
B. a young baby
C. a youth
D. an adult

[单项选择]According to the article, the trial to Wen Ho Lee was mainly co ducted by_____.

A. Energy Secretary Bill Richardson
B. the Department Of Energy and the FBI
C. the American government
D. master survivalist Bill Clinton
[单项选择]Who says the trial will begin in Kuala Lumpur on November 2nd

A. The Deputy Prime Minister.
B. Mr. Anwar.
C. A VOA reporter.
D. The High Court judg
[单项选择]Our real American foods have come from our soil and have been used by many groups—those who already lived here and those who have come here to live. The Native Americans already had developed an interesting cuisine using the abundant foods that were so prevalent.
The influence that the English had upon our national eating habits is easy to see. They were a tough lot, those English, and they ate in a tough manner. They wiped their mouths on the tablecloth, if there happened to be one, and they ate until you would expect them to burst. European travelers to this country in those days were most often shocked by American eating habits, which included too much fat and too much salt and too much liquor. Not much has changed! And, the Revolutionists refused to use the fork since it marked them as Europeans. The fork was not absolutely common on the American dinner table until about the time of the Civil War, the 1860s. Those English were a tough lot.
Other immigrant groups added
A. You bet they would never stop to eat till they are full.
B. What you can expect is that they would not stop eating unless there was no more food.
C. The only thing you would expect is that they wouldn’t stop eating till they had had enough of the food.
D. The only thing is that they wouldn’t stop eating till they felt sick.
[单项选择]But, in our enthusiasm to discover our heritage, we are ruining the very scenery we go to en joy, damaging natural habitats, ______ down footpaths, disturbing wildlife, polluting the air and drop ping litter.
A. wearing
B. treading
C. falling
D. cutting
[单项选择]Our readers are comfortable with our clear, ( )words that inform and entertain them.
A. conventional
B. concise
C. creative
D. crucial
[单项选择]Beneath our feet()that our life depends on for food, clothing and many other things.
A. the earth lay
B. the earth lies
C. lie the earth
D. lies the earth


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