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发布时间:2023-09-29 11:34:40

[单项选择]When a third party begins to catch people's attention, the major parties will ______

更多"When a third party begins to catch "的相关试题:

[单项选择]According to the passage, what are third party screeners

A. Those who help detect deceptions.
B. Those who help employ workers.
C. Those who help glee counseling.
D. Those who help write resumes.
[单项选择]The third bomb exploded when ______.

A. people gathered at the station waiting for buses
B. the police came
C. ambulances sent the dead and wounded to the hospital
D. the car bomber went into the garage
[单项选择]A third-party arbitrator is one who is chosen ______.
A. to supplement the two arbitrators chosen by the contending sides
B. to reach a final decision after the two arbitrators have submitted their decision
C. by someone not involved in the matter in dispute
D. as a pawn of the appointers
[单项选择]Arctic explorers may catch colds when ______.

A. they are working in the isolated arctic regions
B. they are writing reports in terribly cold weather
C. they are free from work in the isolated arctic regions
D. they are coming into contact again with the outside world
[单项选择]When he won his third gold medal at his third successive Olympic Games, we______the man as if he were the greatest athlete we had ever seen: a superman, ______ , a demigod walking the earth.

A. hymned … a nonpareil
B. exasperated … a dabbler
C. inveighed … a genius
D. lauded … an obscurantist
E. (E) apostatized … a commoner
[单项选择]When did the third green wave come

A. When environmental concern rises.
B. When advertisers are self-regulating themselves.
C. When advertisements become very regulated.
D. When the mainstream also becomes concerned about it.
[单项选择]On the third lap, he began to catch up ______ Lin Tao.

A. with
B. on
C. from
[单项选择]It was()late to catch a bus after the party; therefore we called a taxi.
A. too very
B. much too
C. too much
D. far
[单项选择]It was () late to catch a bus after the party; therefore wd called a taxi.
A. too very
B. much too
C. too much
D. far
[单项选择]When the factory worker in the third paragraph was a teenager, his father______.

A. wanted him to start earning a living
B. wanted him to study harder
C. wanted him to work with him at the Ford plant
D. wanted him to stop wearing such messy clothes

Passage Four
When I began reading Catch -22, I thought it was a farcical satire on life in the United States Army Air Force. Later I believed that Mr. Heller’s target was modern war and all those who are responsible for waging it. Still later it seemed that he was attacking social organization and anyone who derives power from it. But by the end of the book it had become plain to me that it is——no other phrase will do——the human condition itself which is the object of Mr. Heller’s outraged fury and disgust.
A reviewer must always keep an anxious eye on the state of his currency. If he announces too many masterpieces he risks inflation (though it is sometimes forgotten by some of us that the cowardice of perpetual crabbing (挑剔) receives its own kind of punishment). It does not seem many weeks since I was proclaiming that Malcolm Lowry’s Under the Volcano is one of the great English novels of the century; and
A. focuses on the horrors at the human condition
B. has little or no connection with reality
C. distorts reality so that it becomes unrecognizable
D. must be seen to be rooted in reality


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