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发布时间:2023-10-10 06:43:27

[单项选择]I rarely wear a raincoat because I spend most of my time in a car.
A. normally
B. seldom
C. continuously
D. usually

更多"I rarely wear a raincoat because I "的相关试题:

[单项选择]I rarely wear a raincoat because I spend most of my time in a car.
A. normally
B. seldom
C. continuously
D. usually
[单项选择]Where did Jenkins spend most of his marriage life

A. In the U.S.
B. In North Korea.
C. In Japan.
D. In Indonesi
[单项选择]According to the passage, policemen spend most of their time and efforts______.

A. patrolling the street, rain or shine
B. tracking and arresting criminals
C. collecting and providing evidence
D. consulting the rules of law

Most Hong Kong students aged 12 to 25 spend less than an hour a week studying online. However, it is claimed that e-learning (网上学习) may not be as popular among teenagers as commonly supposed.
In a survey by the Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs Association, 55% of 785 young people in Hong Kong said they did not like e-learning.
"E-learning is not a very good system because it is so troublesome (麻烦的)," said Patrick, 17-year-old, recalling how his online homework disappeared because of a technical problem.
Patrick also said some classmates give their account numbers and passwords (密码) to others so they could help them finish their online homework.
Self-discipline (自律) is also necessary. In the survey, 34.3% of the teenagers said lack of self-discipline made it difficult for them to learn more from the Internet.
But the teenagers also discovered some advantages in e-learning.
About 41 percent of the teenagers said they work
A. get used to e-learning online
B. do not like e-learning online
C. find e-learning online easy to handle
D. help each other finish their online homework

[单项选择]Performing rote memory exercises rarely improves the______of any given subject, but______may nevertheless be useful to the student preparing for an examination.

A. coherence… exercises
B. clarity… heuristics
C. comprehensibility… mnemonics
D. succinctness … explication
E. (E) volubility … summarization
[单项选择]Incompetent people rarely know the depths of their own incompetence because they ______.

A. are too dull to know what competence is
B. are not skillful at logical reasoning, grammar, and sense of humor
C. lack the basic skills to evaluate their performance realistically
D. have some ability to overcriticize themselves
[简答题]"high-spend" visitors
[单项选择]Studies have shown that people who rarely take antibiotics, which are antibacterial drugs, have stronger immune systems than do people who take antibiotics frequently. Yet there is no evidence that taking antibiotics weakens the immune system. Which of the following, if true, best reconciles the apparent discrepancy in the information above
A. People who have strong immune systems seldom get the kinds of infections for which people normally take antibiotics
B. People who have strong immune systems are seldom aware that their immune systems are unusually strong
C. People who have weak immune systems have great difficulty recovering from bacterial infections if they do not take antibiotics
D. Some people take antibiotics even though the antibiotics cause a variety of side effects
E. Some people take antibiotics frequently because their doctors prescribe antibiotics for viral infections as well as for bacterial infections
[单项选择]In this part of the country, the evergreens rarely experience any ______ to growth through cold.

A. feeling
B. taste
C. check
D. block
[单项选择]A mistake is rarely atoned for by a single apology, however profuse.
A. extravagant
B. produced
C. divergent
D. repetitious
[单项选择]How much did Brown spend on books

[单项选择]Manufacturing companies spend millions of pounds trying to convince customers that their products are ______ to those of others.
A. better
B. best
C. super
D. superior
[单项选择]Rarely ______ such a silly thing.
A. I have heard of
B. I have heard
C. have I heard of
D. have I hear


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