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发布时间:2023-10-23 13:05:53

[单项选择]The two cases—a university student stopped by the policeman and a young man applying for a job, reveal that______.

A. the life of typical young men in Africa is not easy
B. there are more conflicts in African countries
C. tribalism is important in African society
D. the application of a job is difficult in Africa

更多"The two cases—a university student "的相关试题:


A university student in Nairobi, Kenya, was stopped for a traffic violation the other day. The policeman took out his ticket book and asked," What tribe are you." In Lusaka, Zambia, a young man applying for a job was told to see the manager. He leaned over the receptionist’s desk and asked," What tribe is he "When the receptionist told him that the manager was a Mashona, the applicant replied," Then I’ll never get the job."
This phenomenon is called tribalism. There are more than 2, 000 tribes in black Africa. Each has its own language, customs, names, and physical characteristics that make its members almost immediately recognizable to a person from another tribe. To the Westerner, tribalism is one of the most difficult of African customs to understand. It makes many people think of savagery, warfare, or old fashioned customs.
However, to most Africans ,tribalism simply means very strong loyalty to one’s ethnic grou
A. typical young men in Africa
B. unusual problems
C. the importance of tribalism
D. the application of job

[单项选择]It is important that a university student()at least one foreign language.
A. learn
B. learns
C. learned
[单项选择]Only a student or two()to clean the classroom after school.
A. are needed
B. need
C. is needed
D. needs
[单项选择]The two scientists stopped working together because their theories did not ______.
A. confirm
B. conform
C. ally
D. submit

Passage Two
There Student thieves look out. Students can easily get many research papers off the Internet. A new Web site could help teachers catch copiers.
Some students research and write their term papers. Others, however, just copy them off the Internet and turn them in as their work.
Two graduate students at the University of California at Berkeley have written a program to catch the students who copy. It compares a student’s paper with every other term paper on the Web.
A hundred million Web pages on the Internet are searched. The top 20 search engines are used for the search. This service can be found at www. plagiarism, com. They also have a local data base of term papers.
Teachers who sign up can send their students’ papers to the Web site. Within 24 hours they know if the student did the work.
Every sentence that was a word-for-word match with another sentence either found on the Internet or within our d
A. ask other students to write their papers
B. draw pictures instead
C. copy from reference books
D. copy papers or large parts of papers from the Internet


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