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发布时间:2023-10-10 13:23:28

[单项选择]Hellen Keller's ______ over deafness, blindness, and muteness was a miracle.

A. improvement
B. success
C. advance
D. triumph

更多"Hellen Keller's ______ over deafnes"的相关试题:

[单项选择]A study of thunderclouds over the North Atlantic showed that lightning occurred only when the air temperature______.

A. around the cloud was below freezing
B. around the cloud was above freezing
C. about the cloud was lower than the temperature below the cloud
D. of the cloud was above freezing
A. 甾体
B. 黄酮
C. 萜类
D. 香豆素
E. 毛花苷丙
A. 硫酸阿托品
B. 地高辛
C. 地西泮
D. 盐酸普鲁卡因
E. 维生素C

Even though she was blind and deaf, Helen Keller was a woman with an extraordinary social vision. 61) When most women’s rights activists were working for the right to vote, Helen Keller advocated action that was more direct and more immediate than the vote. In 1911, speaking in England where women had the right to vote, she said: "Our democracy is but a name. We vote What does that mean It means that we choose between two bodies of real, though not avowed, autocrats... You ask for votes for women. 62) What good can votes do when ten-eleventh of the land of Great Britain belongs to 200,000 men and only one-eleventh to the rest of the 40,000,000 Have your men with their millions of votes freed themselves from this injustice"
63) When she became active and openly socialist, a New York city newspaper, the Brooklyn Eagle, which had previously treated her as a heroine, criticized that her misguided socialism had somehow developed from her blind

[填空题]AIA’s aim is to help green the hospitals all over America.

[单项选择]By 2030, people over 65 in Germany, the world’s third-largest economy, will account for almost half the adult population, compared with one-fifth now. And unless the country’s birth rate recovers from its present low of 1.3 per woman, over the same period its population of under 35 will shrink about twice as fast as the older population will grow. The net result will be that the total population, now 82 m, will decline to 70 m - 73 m. The number of people of working age will fall by a full quarter, from 40 m today to 30 m.
The German demographics (人口统计) are far from exceptional. In Japan, the world’s second-largest economy, the population will peak in 2005, at around 125 m. By 2050, according to the more pessimistic government forecasts, the population will have shrunk to around 95 m. Long before that, around 2030, the share of the over-65’s in the adult population will have grown to about half. And the birth rate in Japan, as in Germany, is down to 1.3 per woman. The figures ar
A. birth rate has gone up to 1.3 per woman
B. people over 65 now constitutes about half the adult population
C. its population of under-35s is twice as large as that of over-65s
D. by 2030 its working force may have shrunk by 25%
[单项选择]— Isn't that Ann's husband over there
— No, it ( ) be him — I'm sure he doesn't wear glasses.
A. can't
B. must not
C. won't
D. may not
[AI It’s over there. [B] Yes, it is. [C] You’d better ask somebody else.
[单选题]题目 128
-----Marry, who's ( )woman over there?( )She's my aunt, ( )English teacher.
A. the; the
B. a; the
C. the; an
D. a; an
[单选题]题目 3
-----Marry, who's _____woman over there? She's my aunt, _____English teacher.


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