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发布时间:2023-10-10 05:30:12

[单项选择]-- ______ are you trying to prove to police
--Where I was last night.

A. What
B. Why
C. How
D. When

更多"-- ______ are you trying to prove t"的相关试题:

[单项选择]--are you trying to prove to police
--Where I was last night.

A. What
B. Why
C. How
D. When
[单项选择]—______are you trying to prove to the police
—Where I was last night.
A. What
B. Why
C. How
D. When
[单项选择]You should call the police, if you ever catch ______ of Sarah.

A. sight
B. scenery
C. scene
D. view
[单项选择]The police are trying to retrieve the stolen statue.
A. detain
B. get back
C. track
D. detect
[单项选择]Robert: What are you doing
Ellen: Trying to get this wine stain out of the carpet.
Robert: Hang on. There's some soda in here, It should take the stain right out.
Ellen: Really Hey, ______.
A. it really is functioning
B. it really is working
C. it really is playing
D. it really is influencing

When animals make long journeys across places where there is no food or shelter, such as deserts or oceans, it is very important that they should be able to find their way accurately.
Birds find their way by the stars at night and by the sun during the day. People thought that this was impossible. Then some scientists made an experiment. They put some migrating birds(候鸟)in cages inside a planetarium(天象图). When the operator turned the artificial sky(人造天空)round, the birds began to fly to the sides of the cage. Every time he moved it, the birds moved to a new position. Scientists discovered that they always flew toward the direction in which they would have flown if the sky had been real. This proved that they could see the stars and respond to them.
Many animals, especially birds, have a very precise sense of time, which is called their “internal clock”. In cloudy weather, birds delay setting off on long journeys, but if the cloud lasts for a long time,
A. Birds find their way by the stars at night and by the sun during the day.
B. Birds can tell the differences between real sky and artificial sky.
C. Birds can see the stars and would move when the stars change position.
D. Birds always fly to the sides of the cage.

[单项选择]Did you see that boy ______ the police over there
A. questioned
B. to be questioned
C. being questioned
D. questioning
[单项选择]You're ( ) your time trying to persuade him; he'll never join us.
A. spending
B. wasting
C. losing
D. missing
[单项选择]You're( )your time trying to persuade him; he'll never join us.
A. spending
B. wasting
C. losing
D. missing
[单项选择]You're ______ your time trying to persuade him; he'll never join us.

A. spending
B. wasting
C. losing
D. missing
[单项选择]The third category relates to private ______, where an equality of bargaining power is usually to be presumed.

A. stimulation
B. transactions
C. transition
D. solutions
[填空题]在SQL语句中,要删除仓库关系中仓库号的字段值是WH2的记录,可利用命令: FROM 仓库 WHERE 仓库号="WH2/
[单项选择]When did Robert decide to prove himself by playing basketball

A. After he had thought about the two wrong ways.
B. Long before he moved into the street.
C. When the other boys came down to the playground.
[填空题]What must the plaintiff prove in order to succeed in an action of negligence.
[单项选择]The police have conducted the exhaustive investigation for this murdering.
A. important
B. tired
C. thorough
D. careful
[单项选择]The Commission found instances where police officers had lied under oath, ______ evidence, neglected black prisoners and wrongly imprisoned Aborigines.
A. entailed
B. fabricated
C. cleansed
D. precluded


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