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发布时间:2023-10-11 14:26:23

[单项选择]All these ideas ______ into realities in the near future.
A. will be turned
B. will turn
C. would be turning
D. is turning

更多"All these ideas ______ into realiti"的相关试题:

[单项选择]All the ideas______into realities in the near future.

A. will be turned
B. will turn
C. would be turning
D. is turning
[简答题]This opportunity to escape the realities of everyday life is, I think, the main attraction of a bookshop.

Do you have bright ideas Ideas for inventions that change society or at least, make life easier for somebody Perhaps we all do sometimes, but we don’t often make the idea a reality. Recently, in Britain, there was a competition called British Designers for Tomorrow. The competition encouraged young people to carry out their bright ideas. There were two groups in the contest: Group One was for schoolchildren over 16. And there were eleven prize winners altogether.
Nell Hunt, one of the prize-winners, was called "Sunshine Superman" by one newspaper writing about his design. It’s important when people study the weather to be able to record sunshine we have and how strong it is. Most sunshine recorders only record direct sunlight. Nell’s is more accurate and this is very important for research into ways of using solar power. With his prize of $100, Neil plans to carry on inventing.
You can do so much with animation. Look at Simon West&rsquo
A. suggested the ways of using solar power
B. designed a more accurate sunshine power
C. was able to record direct sunshine accurately
D. was a superman in all things

[单项选择]She persevered in her ideas despite obvious objections raised by friends.
A. persisted
B. consisted
C. resisted
D. suggested
[单项选择]Some useful ideas were suggested while the social committee was ______ the club's programme for the coming season.
A. arguing against
B. arguing about
C. arguing for
D. arguing down

Passage Four
Modem ideas are beginning to influence the Eskimos, but not enough to make much difference to their way of life. They still spend the winter in igloos, the round huts that are built of snow frozen hard. They still travel on sleds that are pulled by dogs. The winter is too cold for hunting, so during that season they live on the stores of seal meat that they have killed in the summer. But seal meat is not the only kind of food that they eat. In summer they hunt bears and reindeer, a type of deer With long branching horns that is used for its milk, meat and skin. They also fish all the year round. The Eskimos who are hunters in summer are fishermen in winter. In winter they make holes in the ice and catch their fish through the holes that they have made. The Eskimos are adaptable. That is why they are able to live in Arctic regions.

Which is the main topic of this passage()
A. Modem ideas are beginning to influence the Eskimos.
B. Why are the Eskimos able to live in Arctic regions
C. The Eskimos are adaptable.
D. Eskimos' way of life has not changed very much.
[填空题]Many cultures have different ideas about why people catch colds. For example, in the United States, some people think that you can catch cold if your (1) get cold. So, mothers tell little children to wear (2) boots in the winter. In other places, including parts of the Middle East, some people believe that strong winds cause colds. So, on trains and buses, people usually don’t like to sit (3) open windows. In parts of Europe, some people think that wearing wet clothes will give you a cold. They say that after you go (4) , you should quickly put on dry clothes. Today, scientists know that colds are caused by viruses. But the old ideas are still very strong, and many people still follow them to (5) getting ill.Many cultures have different ideas about why people catch colds. For example, in the United States, some people think that you can catch cold if your (1) get cold. So, mothers tell little children to wear (2)


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