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发布时间:2023-11-07 21:55:46

[单项选择]Thompson believed that man is instinctively a sun-worshipper because______

A. the worship of the sun-god had clearly been the function of the temple.
B. all living things celebrate the sunrise.
C. the sunrise is the most magnificent of ail phen6mena.
D. it is natural for man to worship the sun and he has always done so.

更多"Thompson believed that man is insti"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Thompson believed that man is instinctively a sun-worshipper because _____.

A. the worship of the sun-god had clearly been the function of the temple.
B. all living things celebrate the sunrise.
C. the sunrise is the most magnificent of all phenomena.
D. it is natural for man to worship the sun and he has always done so.
[单项选择]Who believed that man can influence social change for the good of society

A. Cartwright.
B. Spencer.
C. Sumner.
D. Comte.
[单项选择]God is believed to be omnipotent.
A. everlasting
B. extraordinary
C. all-powerful
D. important
[单项选择]People once widely believed that intelligent life existed on Mars. The 19th-century discovery of what appeared to be geometric designs cut across the surface was taken as evidence. The lines were thought to have been a system of canals that had been built to irrigate the surface. It is now clear that the "canals"—perhaps the most spectacular geologic features of Mars—are natural valleys where ancient rivers once flowed. Another fragmented idea concerns the planet’’s seasonal changes in color. Once attributed to the rapid spread of some life-form, these shifts are now known to develop from the movement of fine dust in the atmosphere. By the close of the 20th century none of the many experiments conducted by spacecraft had ever found persuasive evidence of life. Nevertheless, speculation continued over the existence of some form of life, in either the present or past. In 1996 scientists discovered organic compounds and minerals in a meteorite (陨石), consisting of Martian rock, t
A. Because the surface of Mars seemed to be geometric.
B. Because the lines were drawn across the surface of the planet.
C. Because a system of canals was thought to be there.
D. Because it was the Martians that built the canals.
[单项选择]Mrs. Thompson suggested that Bob and Annie should ______.

A. get married and move to Dover
B. buy a house of their own
C. buy some good furniture
D. live at her house for a time
[单项选择]According to the passage, Benjamin Thompson was the designer for a project in ______.

A. San Francisco
B. Boston
C. Minneapolis
D. San Antonio
[单项选择]William "Bendigo" Thompson, heavyweight champion of England in the old bare-knuckle days was one of the dirtiest and most treacherous fighters ever to step into a prize ring. Yet he was so popular that a town, a racehorse and a liqueur were named Bendigo in his honor during his lifetime.
Bendigo Thompson was one of triplets born in Nottingham, England, on October 11, 1811. His mother was a coarse and violent woman. However, she was apparently acquainted with the Book of Daniel, for she nicknamed her three sons Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. As a child, the latter’s name was corrupted to Bendigo.
He was raised in the slums. His mother was the terror of the neighborhood. She cursed like a fishwife and fought like an outraged army. When she lost her temper-a circumstance that occurred two or three times a day-she beat up, impartially, her children, her husband and any indignant neighbor who thrust his head in the door to protest the noise. But in her own savage way she loved he
A. his mother
B. his father
C. a friend
D. street gangs
[单项选择]What abruptly ended Thompson’s dream of the past

A. The realization that this was only a time-consuming fantasy.
B. The glimpse of an important clue to future discovery.
C. A resolution derived from his fantasy that he must learn more about this great past city.
D. The locating of the mysterious Sacred Well.
[单项选择]People believed that Dwight would someday become a professor because of ______.

A. his eager pursuit of military history
B. his excellent grades in all subjects
C. his remarkable memory
D. his organizational ability
[填空题]Government is believed to differ strikingly from business in that government is characterized by______.


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