Before high school teacher Kimberly
Rugh got down to business at the start of a recent school week, she joked with
her students about how she’d had to clean cake out of the comers of her house
after her 2-year-old son’s birthday party. This friendly combination of chitchat
took place not in front of a blackboard but in an Email message that Rugh sent
to the 135 students she’s teaching at the Florida Virtual School, one of the
nation’s leading online high schools. The school’s motto is "any time, any
place, any path, any pace". Florida’s E-school attracts many students who need flexible s A. the students at the Florida Virtual School hail from places in or out of the U. S. B. the students at the online schools can take classes at any time C. the online schools provide a variety of training from tennis to music D. among the students of Florida Vitual School, there are some very advanced or backward ones. [多选题]电容补偿装置失压保护动作时,值守人员应进行下列检查()。
A.检查27.5kV母线电压是否正常 B.检查压互二次回路小保险是否熔断或有短路点 C.检查补偿装置一次回路是否正常 D.检查瓷套是否有破损 [单项选择]From: Keith Rogers
To: Emily Rhodes Subject: Shipping Conference Date: August 11 Dear Ms. Rhodes, I am emailing to update you on the preparations for the 4th Annual Shipping Conference that your organization asked me to handle. (144) the arrangements are in order, including speaker and guest invitations, event marketing, and media publicity. Although the planning is nearly complete, there is one issue that concerns me. That is the venue for the event. You previously indicated a strong preference for holding the event at the Spencer Hotel in Wyford. Unfortunately, the west wing of the hotel is currently being renovated. I’m worried that there may not be (145) space in the hotel to accommodate all of the out-of-town attendees. Accordingly, I think it would be best to consider alternative venues for the event. I would be happy (146) the options and present you wit A. evaluate B. evaluating C. evaluated D. to evaluate [判断题]车站应急物资至少每月巡视检查、保养、维护一次。其中防汛物资每年5月至9月、防寒物资每年11月至次年2月,每月5日、18日各巡视检查、保养、维护一次。其他期间的防寒、防汛物资及其他应急物资每月18日全面巡视检查、保养、维护一次。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题] ( )由省电力公司(国家电网公司直属公司)或其授权的单位组织调查,国家电网公司认为有必要时可以组织、派员参加或授权有关单位调查。
A. 五级人身事件 B. 六级电网事件 C. 一般(四级)设备事故和五级设备事件 D. 六级信息系统事件 [单选题]在白天使用的移动停车信号是( )。
A.黄色圆牌 B.黄色方牌 C.红色方牌 D.绿色圆牌 [单项选择]牛浦郎是哪部作品中的人物()
A. 《水浒传》 B. 《醒世姻缘传》 C. 《儒林外史》 D. 《警世通言》 [单选题]离心泵泵轴的要求:应有足够的( ),其挠度不超过允许值;工作转速不能接近产生共振现象的临界转速。
A.光滑度和长度 B.抗扭强度和足够的刚度 C.机械强度和耐磨性 D.抗腐蚀性 [判断题]《旅客列车消防安全管理规定》:发生小火时立即使用灭火器灭火,再切断火源、风源、电源。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]同步发电机无励磁运行时,定子电流( ),而且波动。
A.额定值 B.减小 C.较大 D.增加 [多项选择]可以在资源管理器的右窗格中直接显示的文件特性有()。
A. 文件大小 B. 文件作者 C. 文件类型 D. 文件创建日期 E. 文件名称 [单选题]可见光遥感( )。
A.可实现全天时探测 B.实现了全天时、全天候探测 C.只限于夜晚工作 D.只限于白天工作 [判断题]成套接地线宜存放在专用架上,架上的编号与接地线的编号应一致。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]气焊时,火焰焰心尖端距离熔池表面一般是( )。
A.2~4mm B.1~2mm C.6~7mm D.8~10mm [简答题]简述保险的积极因素。
[单项选择]Questions 11 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
A. He knows her from their elementary school science class. B. She knows him from computer science class. C. They went to the same high school. D. She is his sister. [单项选择]额定功率超过()的柴油机安装于船长为44.8米的内河船舶(安放龙骨日期为2012年1月1日)时,对其氮氧化物(NOx)的排放有要求。
A. 100Kw B. 130Kw C. 144Kw D. 150Kw [单项选择]RNA和DNA彻底水解后的产物是
A. 戊糖相同,部分碱基不同 B. 碱基相同,戊糖不同 C. 碱基不同,戊糖不同 D. 碱基相同,戊糖相同 E. 碱基相同,部分戊糖不同 [单项选择]不符合火器伤清创原则的是下列哪一项()
A. 及早清创 B. 充分显露伤道 C. 有条件时,修补中等以上大小的主要血管 D. 尽可能清除失活组织 E. 清创后一律行初期缝合 [填空题]马基雅维利的人性论是()
[多选题]在电力监控系统上工作,保证安全的组织措施有( )。
A.现场勘察制度 B.工作票制度 C.工作终结制度 D.工作监护制度 [单选题]()逐渐成为世界能源消费总量最大、增速最快的地区。
A.亚太地区 B.北美地区 C.欧洲及欧亚大陆地区 D.中南美地区 [判断题]赵某组织多人故意在互联网上编造、传播爆炸等虚假恐怖信息,严重扰乱社会秩序,涉嫌聚众扰乱社会秩序罪。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]发电机运转时有异响,可能的故障原因有()。
A. 传动带过紧、过松或打滑 B. 支架螺栓松动或支架断裂 C. 轴承缺油或烧毁 [单项选择]离婚后,不直接抚养子女的父或母,有探望子女的权利,另一方有()的义务。
A. 拒绝 B. 协助 C. 配合 D. 允许 [判断题]按照索赔的对象不同,把索赔分成两类:索赔和反索赔。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交