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发布时间:2024-07-08 05:49:27

[单项选择]Local bus can increase the data throughput. The bus that is most frequently used is

更多"Local bus can increase the data thr"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The maximum number of data that Can be expressed by 8 bits iS ().
A. 64
B. 128
C. 255
D. 256
[单项选择]What data can the handheld computers NOT record

A. The direction in which an animal is moving.
B. The black market value of an animal’s skin.
C. Fluctuations in water levels.
D. The apparent state of an animal’s health.
[单项选择]():A location where data can be temporarily Stored.
A. Area
B. Disk
C. Buffer
D. File
[单项选择]() :A location where data can be temporarily stored.
A. Area
B. Disk
C. Buffer
D. File
[单项选择]In order to keep fit, you can get off the bus one or two stops ______ and walk the rest of the way.

M: Excuse me, can you tell me if this bus goes to Victoria Station
W: No, I am afraid I can’t. I’ve only been here for a few days myself.

Why can’t the woman give the man directions()
A. She is afraid of the place.
B. She has never heard of the place.
C. She has never taken the bus before.
D. She is not familiar with the plac

What kind of bus company is the Greyhound bus company It is ______ bus company.
[单项选择]I saw Mr. White () for the bus at the bus station just now.
A. to waiting
B. waiting
C. to wait
D. waited
[单项选择]Bus Driver: Move to the back of the bus, please. There are plenty of seats.
Bus Driver: Forty cents. Drop it in the box
[单项选择]In a data warehouse environment, data is only valuable when it is organized and displayed as (75)
A. data
B. information
C. fide
D. document

A data warehouse is a subject-oriented data set used for reporting and analysis.Data warehouses can be subdivided into(),which store subsets of data from a warehouse.

B. transactions
C. data marts
[单项选择]Advertising is intended to appeal to consumers, but it does not force them to buy the product.()
A. 广告的目的是吸引顾客,但它不强迫他们购买产品。
B. 广告不是逼迫顾客。而是吸引顾客购买产品。
C. 广告的目的是不强迫顾客购买产品,恳求顾客光顾。
D. 广告意在吸引顾客,而不是强迫顾客。
[单项选择]People may have different opinions about Karen, but I admire her. ( ) , she is a great musician.
A. After all
B. As a result
C. In other words
D. As usual
[单项选择]In the days before preschool academies were all but mandatory for kids under 5, I stayed home and got my early education from Mike Douglas. His TV talk show was one of my mother"s favorite programs, and because I looked up to my mother, it became one of my favorites too. Yet I quickly developed my own fascination with Douglas, who died last week. Maybe it was the plain set—a couple of chairs and little else—or maybe it was the sound of people talking about ideas and events rather than telling stories. Whatever it was, to my 4-year-old mind it was all terribly adult, like my mother"s morning coffee. It was—relatively. The grown-up world I live in now is another matter. Thanks in part to the proliferation and polarization of talk shows in the last 20 years or so—the generation after Douglas and his big-tent gentility went off the air—public conversations have become scary monsters indeed. Like other forms of entertainment, the programming of commercial talk shows today has moved beyond niche to hermetic. The idea of a host booking guests as varied as Jerry Rubin, Malcolm X and Richard Nixon—and treating them all with a certain deference, as Douglas did—is unheard of. Equally a-mazing is to consider that Douglas was a moderate; though he didn"t always share his guests" views, he nonetheless insisted on everybody having his or her say. What he did, in other words, was more important than who he was. That was probably an easy dictate for an old-school, modest guy such as Douglas to follow. And now Oprah Winfrey is sincere e-nough, but her viewership is a cult of personality, not of people or issues. Like her contemporaries, O-prah chooses her guests and issues to suit her show, rather than allowing guests and issues to be the show. She prefers uplift and empowerment, which is more palatable than name-calling, the hallmark of Bill O"Reilly or Howard Stem. But spin is spin, and in her own way Oprah gets as tiresome as those guys. Ultimately, these shows fail to convey the fullness of the conversation, the sense that America is one place—or one host—with many voices at equal volume. That doesn"t mean everybody"s right. But to have everybody engaged and feeling a stake in the outcome of the discussion is priceless. Engagement is nothing less than national security: I felt that as a preschooler, watching Mike Douglas on TV, and I feel it now. The age of irony, they would say, fueled by information that moves at the speed of light, demands a different approach.The author would most probably agree that
A. people in a conversation should always reach an agreement.
B. Mike Douglas has offered a world of information to the audience.
C. it is of vital importance to have people engaged in the discussion.
D. Mike Douglas" show marks the new age of mockery.


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