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发布时间:2023-10-26 19:08:01

[单项选择]ACCEPT : DEMUR ::
A. enact : revoke
B. deny : repel
C. mute : dispel
D. despise : annoy
E. reject : disdain

更多"ACCEPT : DEMUR ::"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Did she accept his research proposal

A. invitation
B. plan
C. offer
D. view
[单项选择]I will not accept his suggestion.
A. believe
B. understand
C. explain
D. follow
[单项选择]It is reasonable to accept his plan.
A. useful
B. sensible
C. practical
D. feasible

Most people on Earth accept it fairly easily that US astronauts (宇航员) got to the moon on July 20, 1969. But there are those who do not believe it. The moon rocks were not evidence enough. Neither were the words of the astronauts themselves or the photographs. So the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) (美国航空航天局) has asked an expert to write a book to prove that yes, indeed, Americans did land on the Moon. Actually, NASA has been going round and round in the argument for decades, but doubters still could be seen everywhere on the Internet.
Those who doubt the Apollo moon landings maintain that the US lacked the technology to send humans to the Moon and was so eager to win the Soviets in the space race that it faked (捏造) the moon mission on movie sets. The doubters say the faking was done so poorly that there is enough evidence of cheat, including a picture of astronauts planting the American flag that shows the flag rippling (微微抖动) in the wind. T
A. US were not technically advanced at that time
B. US were not strong enough to win the Soviets
C. US were eager to launch the moon mission
D. US were eager to land on the moon at that time

[单项选择]Throughout history man has had to accept the fact ______ all living things must die.
A. that
B. which
C. in which
D. of which
[单项选择]How many unions of the airline accept the financial rescue package offered by Spain

A. 1.
B. 7.
C. 6.
D. 5.
[单项选择]A scientist does not accept statements which are not based on the most complete evidence available. Instead, he always checks, studies and makes experiments carefully and objectively to ______ them.

A. testify
B. verify
C. affirm
D. assert
[单项选择]Sandy cannot accept the fact that he has difficulty ________ friends with his classmates.

A. making
B. to making
C. to make
D. for making
[单项选择]Please accept our () apology for the inconvenience this delay is causing all the passengers here at Pearson International Airport.
A. sincere
B. original
C. estimated
D. completed

Small business owners must accept the burdens of entrepreneurship. Being in business for your- self requires your full attention. You seldom leave the office or shop at 5 p.m. (31) do you leave job problems there. They follow you home as business homework. This (32) less time for your personal life.
The (33) you sought can put you on the spot. You don’ t report to a boss. But you do (34) as hard as possible to serve your customers. They are you" (35) ". You also have to compete with creditors, employees, suppliers, and tax collectors. In other words, you are never really (36) . Small firms can seldom ’afford to (37) enough employees so that each can specialize. You may have to prepare ads, (38) records, make sales calls, and collect bad debts.
You must be able to "wear many hats". (39) all these tasks takes up lots of time. But you cannot (40) long-range plann
A. set
B. break
C. keep
D. establish


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