Another cultural aspect of nonverbal
communication is one that you might not think about: space. Every person
perceives himself to have a sort of invisible shield surrounding his physical
body. When someone comes too close, he feels uncomfortable. When he bumps onto
someone, he feels obligated to apologize. But the size of a person’s "comfort
zone" depends on his cultural ethnic origin. For example, in casual
conversation, many Americans stand about four feet apart. In other words, they
like to keep each other "at arm’s length", people in Latin or Arab cultures, in
contrast, stand very close to each other, and touch each other often. If someone
from one of those cultures stands too close to an American while in
conversation, the American may feel uncomfortable and back away. When Americans are talking, they expect others to A. maintain direct eye contact B. hide emotions with a deadpan expression C. display excitement or disgust, shock or sadness D. raise their eyebrows, nod and smile politely [多项选择]动产物权包括()。
A. 动产所有权 B. 留置权 C. 动产的抵押权 D. 以国库券作抵押 [单项选择]Did you get the permission from the coach to take part in the game
A. 你得到教练允许参加这场球赛吗 B. 你同意为教练参加球赛吗 C. 你有资格参加球赛吗 D. 你得到教练允许在球赛中上场球赛 [单选题]在DWDM系统中,能对某些再生段开销字节进行监视的OTU是()。
A.发送端OUT B.中继器使用OTU C.接收端OTU D.放大器使用OTU [单项选择]
{{B}}TEXT E{{/B}} There’s a simple idea that two of West Germany’s top car manufacturers seriously studying at the moment, both out of self interest ,but also out of concern for the environment. The concept is to develop vehicles that can run on a virtually limitless element hydrogen which when burned does not produce damaging fumes, but instead a bit of water vapour. The concept can solve two problems at once. First, it is a hedge for that day in the 21st century when hydrocarbon fuels run out, a prospect of no minor concern for the automotive industry. Beyond that, the increasingly dire warnings by environmental scientists about the "greenhouse effect" in atomosphere caused by carbon dioxide exhausts adds urgency to the quest for a fuel that is less damaging to the environment. Of course, there is a hitch to hydrogen, both carmakers admit :though the know -how to run vehicles on nature’ slightest element is alr A. in gas form B. putting it in liquid C. preserving it in tanks D. in the form of metal hydrides [多选题]以下车票需存放在车站AFC票务室上交区专用的文件柜内的有:( ) 。
A.失效普通单程票 B.失效商务车厢单程票 C.过期预制单程票 D.闸机回收的商务车厢单程票单 [单项选择]下列在支气管哮喘的诊断中最有意义的是()
A. 血气分析 B. 血常规检查 C. 临床症状和体征 D. 肺功能检查 E. 胸部X线检查 [判断题]抵押财产折价或者拍卖、变卖后,其价款超过债权数额的部分归抵押权人所有,不足部分由债务人清偿。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]白肋烟B5的颜色、光泽分别为()
A. 红棕暗 B. 浅红黄、浅黄较暗 C. 浅红黄稍暗 D. 红棕较暗 [填空题]根据蜗杆的形状不同蜗杆传动主要 __() 、圆弧面蜗杆传动和() 。
A.同组三相设备 B.同相设备 C.同类设备 D.其他设备 [单选题]楼内失火应( )。
A.从疏散通道逃离 B.乘坐电梯逃离 C.在现场等待救援 D.去看看是什么物质着火了 [多项选择]以下法规、标准、文件中,可以成为公路建设项目施工环境保护监理依据的有( )。
A. 《建设项目环境保护管理条例》 B. 《大气污染物综合排放标准》(GB 16297—1996) C. 公路建设项目环境影响报告书及其批复 D. 施工组织设计 E. 施工过程中的会议纪要 [判断题]侦察小组不少于2人,由指挥员带领,严禁单独行动.()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]仪表工作接地的原则是()。
A.单点接地 B.双点接地 C.多点接地 [单项选择]终末血尿提示出血部位在()。
A. 前尿道 B. 后尿道 C. 输尿管 D. 肾脏 E. 膀胱 [简答题]账户管理系统发生Ⅲ类事件,银行先行为企业办理基本存款账户、临时存款账户开立、变更、撤销业务。同时,通过系统一级、二级操作员将企业银行结算账户开立、变更信息报送人民银行分支机构,人民银行分支机构协助开展基本存款账户唯一性审核及账户信息备案业务。
[单选题]属于椎体间连结的结构是( )
A.黄韧带 B.棘间韧带 C.后纵韧带 D.棘上韧带 E.横突间韧带 [多选题](____)可以影响切除空载线路过电压。
A.断路器的性能 B.中性点接地方式 C.回路损耗 D.残余电荷的泄放 [判断题]计算机系统在感染计算机病毒后,仍能正常运行,使用户不会感到任何异常。( )
[单项选择]设向量函数A(t)={2cost,sint,t),则导数向量为( )。
A. {-2sint,cost,1} B. {2sint,cost,1} C. {-2sint,sint,1} D. {-2cost,sint,1} [多项选择]下列关于封闭式基金的说法中,正确的有( )。
A. 封闭式基金在成立后,基金管理公司可以申请其基金在证券交易所上市 B. 封闭式基金如果获得批准,则投资者就可以在二级市场上买卖基金份额 C. 封闭式基金代表的是一揽子股票的投资组合,追踪的是实际的股价指数 D. 封闭式基金如果是非上市的,投资者可以进行基金份额的申购和赎回 [判断题]"这辆红色轿车变更车道的方法和路线是正确的。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]关于肺泡表面活性物质的说法错误的是( )
A.由‖型肺泡细胞分泌 B.是磷脂类物质 C.能提高肺泡表面张力 D.能降低肺泡表面张力 E.如缺乏可引起肺不张 [单项选择]钳工常采用的矫正方法是()矫正。
A. 手工 B. 机械 C. 火焰 D. 高频热点 [多选题]室内( ),应设有明显标志的永久性隔离挡板(护网)。
A.母线分段部分 B.母线交叉部分 C.母线平行部分 D.部分停电检修易误碰有电设备的 [判断题]凡由单株树木产生的自由授粉子代或由双亲控制授粉产生的子代叫家系。前者称全同胞家系,后者称半同胞家系。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交