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发布时间:2023-11-09 01:55:44

[单项选择]When the integer n is divided by 6, the remainder is 3. Which of the following is NOT a multiple of 6 ?()
A. n-3
B. T+3
C. 2n
D. 3n
E. 4n

更多"When the integer n is divided by 6,"的相关试题:

[单项选择]When the integer k is divided by 12, the remainder is 3. Which of the following, when divided by 12, will have a remainder of 6 ?()
Ⅰ 2k
Ⅱ 6k
Ⅲ 4k+6
A. Ⅰonly
B. Ⅱonly
C. Ⅲonly
D. ⅠandⅡonly
E. Ⅰ, Ⅱ, andⅢ
[单项选择]When 10 is divided by the positive integer n, the remainder is n-4. Which of the following could be the value of n ?()
A. 3
B. 4
C. 7
D. 8
E. 12
[单项选择]What is the remainder when the positive integer x is divided by 2 ?()
(1)x is an odd integer.
(2)x is a multiple of 3.
A. 条件(1)充分,但条件(2)不充分.
B. 条件(2)充分,但条件(1)不充分.
C. 条件(1)和(2)单独都不充分,但条件(1)和条件(2)联合起来充分.
D. 条件(1)充分,条件(2)也充分.
E. 条件(1)和条件(2)单独都不充分,条件(1)和条件(2)联合起来也不充分.
[单项选择]For any positive integer n, n>1, the "length" of n is the number of positive primes (not necessarily distinct) whose product is n. For example, the length of 50 is 3 since 50=(2)(5)(5)
Which of the following integers has length 3 ?()
A. 3
B. 15
C. 60
D. 64
E. 105
[单项选择]If n is a positive integer, then n(n+1)(n+2) is ?()
A. even only when n is even
B. even only when n is odd
C. odd whenever n is odd
D. divisible by 3 only when n is odd
E. divisible by 4 whenever n is even
[单项选择]If n is a positive integer and n2 is divisible by 72, then the largest positive integer that must divide n is
A. 6
B. 12
C. 24
D. 36
E. (E) 48
Function fun(a As Integer, n As Integer) As Integer
Dim m As Integer
While a>=n
End Function
A. a乘以n的乘积
B. a加n的和
C. a减n的差
D. a除以n的商(不含小数部分)
[单项选择]According to the passage, when should we do when novel ideas appear

A. Discover the aims of their adherents.
B. Ignore them.
C. Follow the fashion.
D. Regard them as normal.
[单项选择]Is the integer n a multiple of 140 ?()
(1) n is a multiple of 10.
(2) n is a multiple of 14.
A. 条件(1)充分,但条件(2)不充分.
B. 条件(2)充分,但条件(1)不充分.
C. 条件(1)和(2)单独都不充分,但条件(1)和条件(2)联合起来充分.
D. 条件(1)充分,条件(2)也充分.
E. 条件(1)和条件(2)单独都不充分,条件(1)和条件(2)联合起来也不充分.
[单项选择]If n is an integer between 2 and 100 and if n is also the square of an integer, what is the value of n ?()
(1)n is the cube of an integer.
(2)n is even.
A. 条件(1)充分,但条件(2)不充分.
B. 条件(2)充分,但条件(1)不充分.
C. 条件(1)和(2)单独都不充分,但条件(1)和条件(2)联合起来充分.
D. 条件(1)充分,条件(2)也充分.
E. 条件(1)和条件(2)单独都不充分,条件(1)和条件(2)联合起来也不充分.
[单项选择]If an integer n is divisible by both 6 and 8, then it must also be divisible by which of the following ?()
A. 10
B. 12
C. 14
D. 16
E. 18
[单项选择]If n is a positive integer and k+2=3n, which of the following could NOT be a value of K ?()
A. 1
B. 4
C. 7
D. 25
E. 79
[单项选择]If n is a positive integer and k=5.1×10n, what is the value of k ?()
A. 条件(1)充分,但条件(2)不充分.
B. 条件(2)充分,但条件(1)不充分.
C. 条件(1)和(2)单独都不充分,但条件(1)和条件(2)联合起来充分.
D. 条件(1)充分,条件(2)也充分.
E. 条件(1)和条件(2)单独都不充分,条件(1)和条件(2)联合起来也不充分.
[单项选择]If n is an integer, which of the following CANNOT be a factor of 3n+4 ?()
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7
E. 8
[单项选择]If n is an integer between 0 and 100, then any of the following could be 3n+3 EXCEPT
A. 300
B. 297
C. 208
D. 63
E. (E) 6
[单项选择]If n is a positive integer, is the value of b-a at least twice the value of 3n-2n ?()
(1)a=2n+1 and b=3n+1
A. 条件(1)充分,但条件(2)不充分.
B. 条件(2)充分,但条件(1)不充分.
C. 条件(1)和(2)单独都不充分,但条件(1)和条件(2)联合起来充分.
D. 条件(1)充分,条件(2)也充分.
E. 条件(1)和条件(2)单独都不充分,条件(1)和条件(2)联合起来也不充分.
[单项选择]下列程序段的运行结果是( )。
Subsele( )
Dim n As Integer
Do While i>n
Print i
End Sub
A. 2
B. 4
C. 5
D. 3
Public Sub Data(ByRef n As Integer)
其中ByRef的含义是( )。
A. 传值调用
B. 传址调用
C. 形式参数
D. 实际参数


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