To capture London in freeze-frame at
the turn of the 19th century, Jonathan Schneer develops a single over-arching
theme. In a work of persuasive scholarship, written with verve and insight, he
analyses the tremendous impact that Britain’s imperial adventure--then at its
height--made on nearly every aspect of London’s life. Few Londoners were unaffected by the country’s self-appointed mission to take Western civilisation to the "{{U}}benighted{{/U}}" peoples of Africa and the East, and to extract much of their natural wealth in return for the favour. The policies that drove imperialism were made by statesmen, aristocrats and capitalists who met regularly around the dinner tables of a few influential and manipulative hostesses. Businessmen and financiers were quick to take advantage of the opportunities open to them, and used A. protect the interests of businessmen and financiers in the colonies. B. implement policies made by statesmen, aristocrats and capitalists. C. take advantage of the opportunities and profit from them. D. civilize Africa and the East and take their wealth home in return. [单选题]为明确诊断,请为下列病例选择最佳诊刮时间:25岁妇女,月经周期正常,但是经期延长,为证实有否子宫内膜不规则脱落而做诊刮,其刮宫最好安排在
A.任何时候均可 B.月经来潮6小时以内 C.预测排卵日 D.预测排卵日的10天后 E.月经来潮第5天 [单项选择]关于狂犬病病毒的特点。哪项错误()
A. 患病动物是传染源 B. 病毒只有一个血清型 C. 狂犬咬伤后100%发病 D. 可发生毒力变异 E. 可用病毒固定毒株制备疫苗进行预防 [单项选择]对于肠易激综合征病人,下列有关腹痛的描述,错误的是
A. 部位不定 B. 以下腹和右下腹多见 C. 极少睡眠中痛醒 D. 多于排便或排气后缓解 E. 无明显体征 [单项选择]Recent years have brought minority-owned businesses in the United States unprecedented opportunities--as well as new and significant risks. Civil right activists have long argued that one of the principal reasons why Blacks, Hispanics and other minority groups have difficulty establishing themselves in business is that they lack of access to the sizable orders and subcontracts that are generated by large companies. Now Congress, in apparent agreement, has required by law that businesses awarded federal contracts of more than $ 500, 000 do their best to find minority subcontractors and record their efforts to do so on forms filed with the government. Indeed, some federal and local agencies have gone so far as to set specific percentage goals for apportioning parts of public works contracts to minority enterprises.
Corporate response appears to have been substantial. According to figures collected in 1977, the total of corporate contracts with minority businesses rose from $ 77 mill A. experience frustration but not serious financial harm. B. have to record its efforts on forms filed with the government. C. increase its spending with minority subcontractors. D. revise its procedure for making bids for federal contracts and subcontracts. [单项选择]支配肩胛下肌、大圆肌的神经是()
A. 胸背神经 B. 肌皮神经 C. 肩胛下神经 D. 臂内侧皮神经 E. 前臂内侧皮神经 [判断题]在总账系统中,结账主要是对当月日常处理的限制和对下月账簿的初始化。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]湿空气中水蒸气含量达到最大限度时的湿空气,称为湿空气。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]《铁路旅客运输服务质量规范》第5.2.4条规定,动车组特、一、二等座车乘务组备有热水瓶、耳塞、眼罩和一次性硬质塑料水杯。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]甲、乙、丙、丁设立了宏达有限责任公司。甲以建设用地使用权认购出资500万元;乙以商标专用权认购出资600万元;丙以现金认购出资1000万元,但约定在公司成立2年内予以缴清;丁以一幅古画认购出资500万元。在公司的经营过程中,因资金紧张向A银行贷款500万元,并以建设用地使用权抵押,并办理了登记。宏达公司向B公司赊购500万元货物,并以古画抵押,双方签订了合同。宏达公司向C银行贷款以商标专用权质押,并办理了登记。宏达公司向D银行贷款500万元,并以自己的办公设备、原材料、库存物品办理了浮动抵押登记,后库存物品又卖给了E公司,E公司提货并付款。因宏达公司经营不善,发生债权债务纠纷。经查:丙认购的出资500万元已逾5年未交付;该幅古画早已被公司出卖给不知情的第三人;公司在建设用地使用权的土地上新建了办公大楼,承建商不具备资质,但工程验收合格,拖欠工程款500万元;该商标专用权因未办理续展而被注销。请回答下列问题:A银行对该建设用地使用权欲行使抵押权,其效力是否及于所建的办公大楼为什么
A. 灭火 B. 冷却 C. 盲目灭火 D. 盲目冷却 [单项选择]男性,65岁,咳嗽、咳痰20余年,近3年来出现气喘。在肺底部可闻及湿啰音,双肺广泛哮鸣音。其诊断是()
A. 支气管肺癌 B. 支气管哮喘 C. 支气管扩张 D. 慢性支气管炎喘息型 E. 肺结核 [简答题]锅炉排污有哪几种?排污的作用是什么?
A.值班调控人员 B.工作许可人 C.工作负责人 D.运维负责人 E.略 F.略 [判断题]S700K型电动转辙机采用多片干式可调摩擦联接器,使用中根据需要调整。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Manners are different in every country; but true politeness is everywhere the same. Manners are only 62 helps which ignorance assumes in order to 63 politeness, which is the result of good sense and good 64 A person possessed of those qualities, though he had never seen a court, is truly 65 ; and if without them, would continue a clown, 66 he had been all his life a gentleman usher. He who 67 airs of importance exhibits his credentials (证明)of 68 . There is no policy like politeness; and a good manner is the best thing in the world to get a good name, or to 69 the want of it. Good manners are a part of good morals, and it is 70 much our duty as our interest to practice in both. Good manners are the art of making those around us easy. 71 makes the fewest persons 72 is the best bred man in the company. Good manners should begin at home. A person 73 appears so ridiculous by the q
[单项选择]已知各变量的类型说明如下: int k,a,b; unsigned long w=5; double x=1.42; 则以下不符合C语言语法的表达式是
A. x%(-3) B. w+=-2 C. k=(a=2,b=3,a+ D. a+=a-=(b=4)*(a=3) [单选题]直线轨矩标准为( )
A.1355 B.1455 C.1435 D.1655 [单项选择]短效糖皮质激素是
A. 地塞米松 B. 泼尼松 C. 氢化可的松 D. 促皮质素 E. 氟轻松 [单选题]在两相三线供电线路中,零线截面为相线截面的( )。
A.2倍 B.4倍 C.3倍 D.1倍,即截面相等。 [单项选择]不通过颈静脉孔的结构是
A. 颈内静脉 B. 舌咽神经 C. 副神经 D. 迷走神经 E. 舌下神经 [多选题].关于梯度场的描述,正确的是()
A.实现空间定位 B.影响图像分辨力 C.影响图像信噪比 D.梯度场强越高越好 E.可引起周围神经刺激症状 [单选题]扣搭设件式钢管脚手架搭设前,应编制安全专项施工方案;安全专项施工方案须经施工单位相关部门会审、( )审核后,报总监理工程师审批后,方可实施。
A.项目经理 B.专职安全员 C.技术负责人 D.监理工程师 [单选题] 母乳喂养方法错误的是( )。
A. 母乳喂养应持续到婴儿1岁以后,最长不超过2周岁 B. 尽可能早开始喂奶 C. 根据新生儿喂哺后,安静入睡、大小便正常、体重增长正常来判断母乳是否充足 D. 喂奶次数和时间根据定时哺乳的原则决定 E. 4~6个月后应开始添加辅助食品 [单选题]ZD6型电动转辙机转换完毕,是靠( )切断启动电路。
A.自动开闭器 B.移位接触器 C.1DQJ落下 D.锁闭继电器SJ落下 [不定项选择题]作家吴某,2019年12月有关收入情况如下:
吴某的下列收入中,免征个人所得税的是( )。
A.讲学收入4500元 B.拆迁补偿款350000元 C.股票转让所得13000元 D.体育彩票中奖收入10000元 [单项选择]油脂的主要卫生问题是
A. 真菌毒素、多环芳烃、棉酚 B. 甲醇、杂醇油、醛类 C. 重金属污染 D. 微生物、有害化学物质污染 E. 亚硝基化合物污染 [单选题]“建国军民,教学为先”“化民成俗,其必由学”揭示了__________。
A.教育与政治的关系 B.教育与经济的关系 C.教育与文化的关系 D.教育与科技的关系 [判断题]道岔的维修周期,由铁路局集团公司规定。其中正线、到发线道岔维修周期宜与正线线路同步。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交