Aborigines were earliest known
inhabitants of a country. The term is generally applied to the original or
native inhabitants of a country, as opposed to a race from another area or
colonists and their descendants. Most nations have instituted measures for the
welfare of the aborigines within their territories. Such measures include those
of the U.S. and Canada concerning Indians and Inuits and those of Australia
concerning its aboriginal groups. All aboriginal peoples have been affected by contact with contemporary civilization; in some cases, the introduction of disease, warfare, alcohol, and drugs has demoralized and destroyed peoples. Others, such as the Ainu of northern Japan, have become almost wholly assimilated. The greatest degree of racial mixture has occurred among the native Polynesians of Hawaii. The Indian population A. strong colonists. B. local inhabitants. C. poor farmers. D. native people. [填空题]按照Pentium微处理器的存储器分页管理机制,线性地址00COFFFCH 的页表基地址是 【16】 。
[判断题]电气设备在保留主保护条件下运行,可以停用后备保护。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]406、防喷器压力等级的选用原则上应与相应井段中的_____相匹配
A. 最低地层压力 B. 最高地层压力 C. 最高地层破裂压力 D. 最低地层破裂压力 [多选题]油井使用双封隔器封窜,其管柱结构自上而下错位的是( )。
A.油管→K344封隔器→节流器→K344封隔器→喇叭口 B.油管→K344封隔器→节流器→K344封隔器→油管鞋 C.油管→节流器→K344封隔器→K344封隔器→球座 D.油管→K344封隔器→节流器→K344封隔器→球座 [单选题]除专业人员按规定作业外,任何人及所携带的物件与回流线、架空地线、保护线保持( )m以上距离。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单选题] 开展检修项目()是地市公司变电检修班的职责。
A.总结 B.自验收 C.审核 D.制定 [单选题]过去,东亚地区的海上军演,往往是以“反恐”、海上联合搜救、打击海盗等内容为主,这反映了和平合作的形势要求。现在,频繁举行的海上军演,则基本上是以反潜作战、海上联合作战以及保障海上通道安全为目标。透过这一变化,我们应该看到东亚形势趋于紧张化、复杂化的可能性。从上述文字我们可以看出( )。
A.现阶段国际主流形势已由和平向冲突转化 B.海上军演的意义已随着时代的变化而改变 C.目前东亚地区的形势变得更加紧张与复杂 D.海上军演往往和国际形势的发展密切相关 [判断题]风力发电机组要保持长周期稳定的运行,做好维护工作是致关重要。()
[单项选择]在用线性插值试差法计算某项目的财务内部收益率时,当折现率为20%时,净现值为-4万元;当折现率为18%时,净现值为6万元,则该项目的财务内部收益率为( )。
A. 15.8% B. 21.2% C. 19.2% D. 25.3% [单项选择]温经汤中配伍半夏的用意是()。
A. 和胃降逆而止呕 B. 降逆散结而消痞 C. 化痰开胃而行津 D. 通降胃气而散结 E. 燥湿化痰而和胃 我来回答: 提交