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发布时间:2023-11-05 04:04:41

[单项选择]Can you lend me some dollars I just lack cash.
A. short
B. need
C. waste
D. arrange

更多"Can you lend me some dollars I just"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Can you lend me some dollars I just lack cash.
A. short
B. need
C. waste
D. arrange
[单项选择]Can you give me some advice ______ how I can improve my English
A. in
B. at
C. on
D. for
[单项选择]Can you lend me some money I have ______ my salary
A. ran out of
B. run out
C. ran out
D. run out of
[单项选择]You can read some English novels but you'd better ______ some simple stories.
A. begin from
B. begin to
C. begin of
D. begin with
[单项选择]— Can you hear me
— No, I can' t. Would you please speak ______
A. clearly enough
B. clear enough
C. enough clear
D. enough clearly

There are some steps you can take yourself to avoid catching a cold. Contrary to popular belief, colds are not caused by exposure to severe weather. Colds are caused by viruses (病毒) harbored in the body, and you’ re better off out on the ski slopes or even waiting for the bus on a snowy day than you are in a warm room, surrounded by friends, co-workers, or fellow students, who just may be passing the viruses around. If you feel a chill when you’ re coming down with a cold, you’ re already sick. A chill is an early symptom: it’ s the cold that caused the chill, not the other way around.
While the virus can spread through droplets(飞沫) propelled into the air when a cold-sufferer coughs or sneezes. Surprisingly, this is not the most common mute of transmission. Numerous studies have now shown that the overwhelming majority of colds are "caught" by hand contact. A cold sufferer rubs her nose, thereby transferring the virus to her hand.
A. Colds and Viruses
B. Ways to Avoid Colds
C. The Spread of Viruses
D. Hand Contact and Transmission of Viruses

[单项选择]Speaker A: Excuse me, can you tell me where High Street is, please
Speaker B:______
[单项选择]If you're driving to the airport, can you give me a ______
A. hand
B. seat
C. drive
D. lift
[单项选择]Can you spare me this book for a while
A. 这本书你能让我看一会儿吗
B. 你能为我买这本书吗
C. 你能抽出时间让我读一会儿吗
D. 你能把这本书让给我吗
[单项选择]Person A: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the museum
Person B: ______.


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