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发布时间:2023-11-27 05:00:15

[单项选择]Mrs. Smith went shopping ______.
A. after a while
B. on her birthday
C. the day after her birthday
D. ten days later

更多"Mrs. Smith went shopping ______."的相关试题:

[单项选择]Mrs. Smith went on a diet and in two months()her weight to 110 pounds.
A. brought out
B. brought off
C. brought down
D. brought up
[单项选择]Before Smith went on vacation, he left ______ instructions for the painting of his apartment.
A. explicit
B. implicit
C. intrinsic
D. instinct
[单项选择]Mrs. Smith went on a diet and in two months ______ her weight to 110 pounds.
A. brought out
B. brought off
C. brought down
D. brought up

A Shopping Experience
I went shopping by myself one day. When I was going to check out, I found I had forgotten to bring my credit card with me. The cashier put aside my order while I drove home to get it. 
My husband was home, so be came along to help. As we pulled into the parking lot, I saw a man sitting in his car. My husband and I ran into the store, paid for what we bought and came out: 
As we walked to our ear, the man came over. "How did you do that " he said. "You were in the store for only ten minutes. I've been waiting for my wife for an hour !"
I thought that a little white lie couldn't hurt(伤害) the woman shopping by herself, so I said to my husband, "Ten minutes. That's a record (记录) !" Then I told the man," It's amazing (令人吃惊的) how much faster the shopping gets done when the husband helps."

The writer's home was far from the store.()
A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Doesn't Say
[单项选择]It was said that Mrs. Smith only went to church to()her new clothes.
A. wear off
B. put on
C. show off
D. dress up
[单项选择]Mrs Smith thought her children went to the movies; ______, they went to the zoo.
A. in general
B. or rather
C. on the contrary
D. so to speak
[单项选择]Mother left me a note when she went shopping this morning ______ I know where she went.
[单项选择]The customer went home ( ) with his shopping.
A. proud and satisfied
B. proudly and satisfiedly
C. with pride and satisfied
D. proudly and satisfied


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