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发布时间:2023-11-20 02:16:45

[单项选择]One third of the Chinese in the U.S. live in California, ______ in San Francisco.

A. dominantly
B. perpetually
C. predominantly
D. practically

更多"One third of the Chinese in the U.S"的相关试题:

[单项选择]One third of the Chinese in the U.S. live in California, ______ in San Francisco.

A. dominantly
B. perpetually
C. predominantly
D. practically
[单项选择]One third of the Chinese in the United States live in California, ______ in the San Francisco are
A. a. exceptionallyB. drasticallyC. remarkablyD. predominantly
[单项选择]More than one third of the Chinese in the United States live in California, ______ in San Francisco.
A. previously
B. predominantly
C. practically
D. permanently
[单项选择]The term "One-to-One" in the third paragraph refers to ______.

A. an organization in the community that helps take better care of the mentally disabled
B. a device that helps the mentally disabled behave themselves
C. an organization that provides homes for the mentally disabled
D. a hospital that helps cure the mentally disabled
[单项选择]Almost one third of all Americans are employed in marketing-related positions, so the number of possible marketing careers is ______.
A. enormous
B. tiny
C. insignificant
D. invisible
[单项选择]A third-party arbitrator is one who is chosen ______.
A. to supplement the two arbitrators chosen by the contending sides
B. to reach a final decision after the two arbitrators have submitted their decision
C. by someone not involved in the matter in dispute
D. as a pawn of the appointers
[单项选择]About one third of the world's scientific papers are produced by the United States.

A. 世界上大约三倍的用于科学的纸张是由美国人生产的。
B. 世界上科学报刊的约三分之一是由美国印刷的。
C. 全世界大约有三分之一的科学论文是美国人写的。
D. 大约三倍的世界科学论文是由美国人写的。
[单项选择]()one-third of its employees is uncertain.
A. The company will dismiss
B. The company dismisses
C. That the company will dismiss
D. Will the company dismiss
[单项选择]()is often the case, one third of the workers have over-fulfilled the production plan.
A. What
B. This
C. That
D. As
[单项选择]Small animals are said to live faster than big ones because they ______.

A. have more skin for their weigh
B. replace lost heat faster
C. burn fuel faster than big ones
D. keep a higher body temperature
[单项选择]One third of the population here ______ Europeans.

A. are
B. is
C. was
D. is to be


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