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发布时间:2024-07-03 20:49:18


Passage Three
On Christmas Eve--the night before Christmas Day children are very happy. They put their stockings at the end of their beds before they go to bed. They want Father Christmas to give them some presents.
Mr. Green tells his children that Father Christmas is a very kind man. He comes on Christmas Eve. He lands on top of each house and comes down the chimney into the fireplace and brings them a lot of presents.
Christmas Day always begins before breakfast. The children wake up very early. They can’t wait to open the presents in their stockings. Then they wake up their parents and call: "Merry Christmas!"
Do you know what Christmas means Christmas Day is the birthday of Jesus Christ. When Christ was born, many people gave him presents. So today, people still do the same thing to each other.

Father Christmas often puts the presents()
A. into children's hats
B. into children's stocking
C. under children's beds
D. into children's shoes

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Passage Three
On Christmas Eve--the night before Christmas Day children are very happy. They put their stockings at the end of their beds before they go to bed. They want Father Christmas to give them some presents.
Mr. Green tells his children that Father Christmas is a very kind man. He comes on Christmas Eve. He lands on top of each house and comes down the chimney into the fireplace and brings them a lot of presents.
Christmas Day always begins before breakfast. The children wake up very early. They can’t wait to open the presents in their stockings. Then they wake up their parents and call: "Merry Christmas!"
Do you know what Christmas means Christmas Day is the birthday of Jesus Christ. When Christ was born, many people gave him presents. So today, people still do the same thing to each other.

Christmas Eve is()
A. the night before December 24
B. the night after December 25
C. the night of December 25
D. the night of December 24

Passage Three
Before the 1870’s, trained nurses were virtually unknown in the United States. Hospital nursing was an unskilled occupation, taken up by women of the lower classes, some of whom were conscripted from the penitentiary or the almshouse. The movement for reform originated not with doctors, but among upped-class women, who had taken on the role of guardians of a new hygienic order. Though some doctors approved of the women’s desire to establish a nurse training school, which would attract the daughters of the middle class, other medical men were opposed. Plainly threatened by the prospect, they objected that educated nurses would not do as they were told -- a remarkable comment on the status anxieties of nineteenth-century physicians. But the women reformers did not depend on the physicians’ approval. When resisted, as they were at Bellevue in efforts to install trained nurses on the maternity wards, they went over the heads of the docto
A. poor, untrained women
B. young medical students
C. wives of military officers
D. middle-class men and women


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