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发布时间:2023-10-05 02:13:47

[单项选择]Messalina's name has become a byword for notorious behavior.

A. an epithet
B. an abstraction
C. an indication
D. an oration

更多"Messalina's name has become a bywor"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Curriculum vitae has become very important because ______.

A. jobs are becoming very complicated nowadays
B. other means of job application are scarce
C. there has been an increase in the number of jobs advertised
D. there has been an increase in the number of applications with degrees

Leadership has become a spectator sport in Arizona. Every flourishing region needs people who act as its stewards. Such leaders see the big picture. They seek visionary solutions that transcend boundaries. They care deeply about the long-term well being of their places. Arizonians have only to admire the advocacy of Mayor Rudolph Giuliani in the days after the New York terrorist attacks to appreciate the powerful role of such leaders, whose passion for their locales leads them to constantly innovate in service of the long-term economic and social success of their regions.
Unfortunately, most Arizonians do not see the state having that kind of leadership today. In fact, less than a quarter of the respondents to a recent statewide survey believe the state’s business and elect leaders care deeply about Arizona’s future. Instead, they deemed them pre occupied with narrow interests and single-issue agendas.
What Arizonians describe is a traditional style of
A. leaders who show vision and insight in policy making
B. single-issue leaders who focus their attention on what they are handling
C. leaders who are good at handling affairs across state boundaries
D. leaders who carry out an uncompromising policy against terrorists

[单项选择]Textile business has become more and more difficult ()the competition grew.
A. as
B. befor
C. since
D. after

Venture capital has now become a global phenomenon. Here is the (1) status of each major region that has venture capital activity. (2) , the definition of venture capital, (3) coined 50 years ago at Harvard Business School, meant (4) capital for new or very young ventures. Over time, (5) , and especially outside the US and Canada, it has become a coverall name for any type of equity related financing for privately held companies. To make matters even more (6) , some US venture capital firms have begun delving into "transactional" finance more (7) to the investment banking community. This is, however, a limited phenomenon.
Indeed, the influx of (8) fund money into the venture capital market has been both a curse and a blessing. Firms found themselves battling to place their newly (9) funds with a (10) number of specialized hitech firms. The result was a series of losses in the early 1990s.
A. allocated
B. integrated
C. diversified
D. identified

[单项选择]Recycling has become the first choice for the disposal of rubbish because______.

A. local governments fred it easy to manage
B. recycling has great appeal for the jobless
C. recycling causes little pollution
D. other methods are more expensive
[单项选择]When the writer says leadership has become the universal vitamin C pill, he means _________.

A. leadership can cure many diseases as vitamin C does.
B. leadership is an essential part of everybody.
C. leadership can prevent one from failure.
D. leadership brings power, respect, achievement, etc.
[单项选择]The job history has become such an important document because ______.
A. there has been an increase in the number of jobs advertised
B. there has been an increase in the number of applicants with degrees
C. jobs are becoming much more complicated nowadays
D. the other processes of applying for jobs are more complicated
[单项选择]Medical care reform has become this country's most important public health ______.
A. question
B. stuff
C. matter
D. issue
[单项选择]Why has adult education become popular

A. Because many old people are changing their professions.
B. Because some people are looking for better jobs.
C. Because they have high costs for repairs and advanced technology.
D. All of the abov
[单项选择]It is said that science has become too complex to acknowledge the existence of universal truths.
A. address
B. declare
C. affirm
D. perceive
[单项选择]Over the last fifteen years, running has become a popular _______ for 30 million participants of all ages.

A. fantasy
B. pastime
C. symposium
D. penalty

The building crane, which has become the most striking feature of the urban landscape in Switzerland, is beginning to alter the mountain landscape as well. Districts of the Swiss Alps, which up to now have consisted of only a few disconnected small communities content with selling cheese and milk, perhaps a little lumber and seed potatoes, are today becoming parts of planned, developing regions. The new highway, the new skylift, the new multi-nationally-owned hotel will diversify the economy and raise the standard of living in the mountain areas, or so many Swiss regional planners and government officials hope.
The mountainous area of Switzerland, which accounts for nearly two-thirds of the total area of the country and only 12% of the total population, has always been the problem area. According to the last census in 1970, 750,000 people lived in the Swiss mountains. Compared with the rest of the country, incomes are lower, services are fewer, employment opportunities ar
A. offer tourists many advantages
B. form an essential part of the picture of Switzerland that tourists imagine
C. develop animal husbandry in mountain areas
D. solve the problems of mountain communities


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