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发布时间:2024-08-05 21:11:35


Text 4
My church recently staged a Sensitivity Sunday to make our congregation aware of the problems faced by people with physical handicaps. We are asked to "adopt a handicap" for several hours on Sunday morning. Some members chose to be confined to wheelchairs, others stuffed cotton in their ears, hobbled around on crutches, or wore blindfolds.
Wheelchairs had never seemed like scary objects to me before I had to sit in one. A tight knot grabbed hold in my stomach when I first took a close look at what was to be my only means of getting around for several hours. I was stuck by the irrational thought, "once I am in this wheelchair, the handicap might become real, and I might never walk again." This thought, as ridiculous as it was, frightened me so much that I needed a large dose of courage just to sit down.
After I overcame my fear of the wheelchair, I had to learn how to cope with it. I wiggled around to find a comfortable pos
A. Unskilifulness.
B. Embarrassment.
C. Impoliteness.
D. Stupidty.

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Text 4
My church recently staged a Sensitivity Sunday to make our congregation aware of the problems faced by people with physical handicaps. We are asked to "adopt a handicap" for several hours on Sunday morning. Some members chose to be confined to wheelchairs, others stuffed cotton in their ears, hobbled around on crutches, or wore blindfolds.
Wheelchairs had never seemed like scary objects to me before I had to sit in one. A tight knot grabbed hold in my stomach when I first took a close look at what was to be my only means of getting around for several hours. I was stuck by the irrational thought, "once I am in this wheelchair, the handicap might become real, and I might never walk again." This thought, as ridiculous as it was, frightened me so much that I needed a large dose of courage just to sit down.
After I overcame my fear of the wheelchair, I had to learn how to cope with it. I wiggled around to find a comfortable pos
A. two
B. three
C. four
D. five


Text 1
The Catholic Church is changing in America at its most visible point: the parish church where believers pray, sing and clasp hands across pews to share the peace of God. Today there are fewer parishes and fewer priests than in 1990 and fewer of the nation’s 65 million Catholics in those pews. And there’s no sign of return.
Some blame the explosive 2002 clergy sexual abuse scandal and its financial price tag. But a study of 176 Roman Catholic dioceses shows no statistically significant link between the decline in priests and parishes and the is 772 million the church has spent to date on dealing with the scandal.
Rather, the changes are driven by a constellation of factors:
· Catholics are moving from cities in the Northeast and Midwest to the suburbs, South and Southwest.
· For decades, so few men have become priests that one in five dioceses now can’t put a priest in every parish.
A. selling the Church property.
B. covering the cost of settlements.
C. shutting and remolding churches.
D. keeping up crumbling buildings.


Text 1
My objective is to analyse certain forms of knowledge, not in terms of repression or law, but in terms of power. But the word power is apt to lead to misunderstandings about the nature, form, and unity of power. By power, i do not mean a group of institutions and mechanisms that ensure the subservience of the citizenry. I do not mean, either, a mode of subjugation that, in contrast to violence, has the form of the rule. Finally, I do not have in mind a general system of domination exerted by one group over another, a system whose effects, through successive derivations, pervade the entire social body. The sovereignty of the state, the form of law or the overall unity of a domination are only the terminal forms power takes.
It seems to me that power must be understood as the multiplicity of force relations that are immanent in the social sphere; as the process that, through ceaseless struggle and confrontation, transforms, strenghtens, or reverses the
A. Law is the protector of power.
B. Law is the source of power.
C. Law sets buns to power.
D. Law is a product of power.


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