更多"Which of the following is NOT a fre"的相关试题:
[单项选择]Which of the following is NOT a free morpheme
A. bed
B. tree
C. dance
D. children
[单项选择]Which of the following about bound morpheme is NOT true
A. Bound morpheme can not occur unattached.
B. Bound morphemes are never words.
C. All the prefixes are bound morphemes.
D. Bound morphemes sometimes can be used alone.
[单项选择]Which of the following words contains two morphemes
A. Physic.
B. Intemational.
C. Disapproved.
D. Fadism.
[单项选择]Which of the following is not free to first-class passengers with this airline
A. Special meals.
B. Cigarettes.
C. Alcoholic drinks.
D. Ground transport.
[单项选择]The distinction between free morpheme and bound morpheme is whether morphemes can be other morphemes.