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发布时间:2023-10-17 02:52:05

[单项选择]______ oil prices continuing to rise, economists predict that consumers will cut back on spending in other areas.
A. About
B. With
C. By
D. In

更多"______ oil prices continuing to ris"的相关试题:

[单项选择]It is said that the rise in oil prices is a boom to many petroleum exploration and production companies because ______.

A. the rise brought many of the companies the largest profits ever
B. the rise is a very precious opportunity that the companies can rarely get
C. the rise helped the companies out of the boom-and-bust cycles
D. the rise offered an investment in much more exploration and production than before
[单项选择]With demand continuing to rise in______economies such as China and India, energy traders believe that oil futures are a good bet.
A. employing
B. emerging
C. embracing
D. emitting
[单项选择]The main reason for the latest rise of oil price is ______.

[单项选择]The oil price rise reactivated the boom in commodity prices and ______ inflation, which reached an annual rate of 15 per cent in the spring of 1974.
A. boosted
B. harnessed
C. staggered
D. embarked
[单项选择]Oil prices rose yesterday among market fears that the Panamanian crisis could hit US crude oil supplies.
A. 昨天石油价格大幅上涨,引起了市场的恐慌,这次的巴拿马的危机会打击美国的原油供应。
B. 在市场的恐慌之中,昨天石油价格大幅上涨,如此—来,巴拿马的危机会阻断美国的原油供应。
C. 石油的价格昨天大幅度上涨,人们担心巴拿马危机会打击美国的原油供应。
D. 石油的价格昨天大幅度上涨,市场恐慌的是:巴拿马危机直接威胁到美国的原油供应。
[单项选择]The rise in stock prices has been driven largely by improvements in the economy, principally rising ______ profits, falling inflation, and falling interest rates.
A. corporate
B. correspond
C. corroborate
D. corrode

High oil prices have not yet produced an economic shock among consuming countries, but further rises, especially sharp (1) , would undoubtedly hurt the world economy, and (2) would inevitably harm producers, too. Beyond this obvious point, (3) , higher prices could even do harm to both oil firms and producers.
Big oil firms (4) rolling in money today, but that disguises the fact that their longer-term prospects are (5) . Behind the reserves-accounting scandal at Royal Dutch/ Shell (6) a problem bedevilling all of the majors: replacing their dwindling reserves. (7) existing fields in Alaska and the North Sea are rapidly declining, OPEC countries and Russia are (8) them out. (9) they are to survive in the long term, the big oil firms must embrace other sources of energy (10) oil.
(11) it is to believe, higher oil prices could be bad news for producing countries (12) . Political leade
A. For hard
B. As hard
C. Very hard
D. As hard as


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