Standard usage include those words and
expressions understood, used, and accepted by a majority of the speakers of a
language in any situation regardless of the level of formality. As such, these
words and expressions are well defined and listed in standard dictionaries.
Colloquialisms, on the other hand, are familiar words and idioms that are
understood by almost all speakers of language and used in informal speech or
writing, but not considered acceptable for more formal situations. Almost
all idiomatic expressions are colloquial language. Slang, however, refers
to words and expressions understood by a large number of speakers but not
accepted as appropriate formal usage by the majority. Colloquial expressions and
even slang may be found in standard dictionaries but will be so identified. Both
colloquial usage and slang are more A. new situations B. interaction among diverse groups C. a new generation D. a number of linguists [单项选择]Questions 4 to 6 are based on the following passage. At
the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the
Now, listen to the passage. There’s no reason to love the people who live next door to you, because people ______. A. are frequently moving B. are always too busy to do that C. are hostile D. always live far away from each other [单项选择]WWW客户机与WWW服务器之间的应用层传输协议是
A. TCP协议 B. UDP协议 C. IP协议 D. 超文本传输协议 [简答题]育苗场如何判别所购买的卤虫卵的质量好坏?
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]直接灸法又可分为
A. 艾柱灸、艾条灸 B. 艾条灸、白芥子灸 C. 化脓灸、非化脓灸 D. 化脓灸、瘢痕灸 E. 非化脓灸、无瘢痕灸 [单选题]违反治安管理的行为对他人造成损害的,( )应当依法承担民事责任。
A.行为人或者其监护人 B.行为人 C.行为人或者法定代理人 D.监护人 [单项选择]( )将交通事故类别按事故形态分为侧面相撞、正面相撞、尾随相撞、对向刮擦、同向刮擦、撞固定物、翻车、碾压、坠车、失火和其他等11种。
A. 交通部 B. 公安部 C. 国务院 D. 国家安全部 [多项选择]对于重大误解和显失公平的民事行为一方当事人享有撤销权,对此类行为,人民法院或仲裁机构不得撤销的情形有( )。
A. 请求人民法院或仲裁机构予以撤销的 B. 请求人民法院或仲裁机构予以变更的 C. 当事人直接向对方当事人表示撤销的 D. 当事人放弃撤销权的 [单选题]药物临床试验机构必须执行
A.药物临床研究质量管理规范 B.药品临床研究质量管理规范 C.药物非临床试验质量管理规范 D.药品临床试验质量管理规范 E.药物临床试验质量管理规范 [简答题]>若圆柱的底面圆半径为5 cm,高为4 cm,则圆柱的侧面积为 cm2。
[判断题]出口商拒绝税务机关检查或拒绝提供有关出口货物退(免)税账簿、凭证、资料的,由税务机关处以2000元以上10000元以下的罚款。 ( )
A.集体 B.连带 C.个人 D.个人和集体 [判断题]膳食纤维不能被人体消化,因此,它不是人体必需的营养素。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]34. 永久性光纤连接(又叫热熔),其主要特点是连接衰减在所有的连接方法中最低,典型值为( )。
A.0.01~0.03dB/点 B.0.1~0.3dB/点 C.0.05~0.08dB/点 D.0.5~0.08dB/点 [判断题]防喷器四通两侧各装2只闸阀,紧靠四通两侧的闸阀处于常关状态。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在下水道、煤气管线、潮湿地、垃圾堆或有腐质物等附近挖沟(槽)时,应设监护人。在挖深超过()的沟(槽)内工作时,应采取安全措施,如戴防毒面具、向沟(槽)送风和持续检测等。监护人应密切注意挖沟(槽)人员,防止煤气、硫化氢等有毒气体中毒及沼气等可燃气体爆炸。
A.1.0m B.1.5m C.1.8m D.2.0m [简答题](62267)无碴轨道的特点?(1.0分)
[多选题]( ) 钻井作业发生溢流关井,以下哪些因素将会影响关井立压?( )。
A.钻柱中钻井液密度 B.钻头到套鞋体积 C.溢流密度 D.井涌体积 E.地层压力 [单项选择]以下对虚拟团队的特征表述错误的一项是()
A. 成员多元化 B. 结构松散 C. 激励长期化 D. 任务短期性 [单项选择]Why does the author bring up the example of Benji
A. To show that animals have consciousness. B. To raise the question of animal consciousness. C. Because Benji was his best friend. D. To illustrate the differences between dogs and chimps. [判断题]《国务院关于加强道路交通安全工作的意见》指出客运驾驶人只要日间连续驾驶不超过4小时,24小时累计驾驶时间就可以超过8小时。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]The passage suggests that intellectuals write detective stories because______.
A. they enjoy writing these stories B. the stories are often in fact very instructive C. detective stories are an accepted branch of literature D. the creation of these stories demands considerable intelligence 我来回答: 提交