更多"Researchers______ that genes may de"的相关试题:
[单项选择]Researchers______ that genes may determine the strength of the immune system which could help explain how an infectious disease could have a hereditary link.
A. speculate
B. estimate
C. evaluate
D. anticipate
[单项选择]Genes determine ______ the shape of a leaf and the sex, height, and hair color of a child.
A. such as features
B. such features as
C. as such features
D. features, as such
[单项选择]Although specific concerns may determine the intent of a research project, its results are often ().
A. unanticipated
B. beneficial
C. spectacular
D. specialized
[单项选择]设有语句:char str1[]="string",str2[8],*str3,*str4="string";,则下列对库函数strcpy调用不正确的是( )。
A. strcpy(str1,"Hellol");
B. strcpy(str2,"Hello2");
C. strcpy(str3,"Hello3");
D. strcpy(str4,"Henllo4");
[单项选择]设有以下语句: char str1[]="string",str2[8],*str3,*str4=="string; 则______不是对库函数的正确调用。
A. strcpy(str1,"HELLO1");
B. strcpy(str2,"HELLO2");
C. strcpy(str3,"HELLO3");
D. strcpy(str4,"HELLO4")