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发布时间:2024-02-04 07:36:11

[单项选择]The amount of groundwater is ______.

A. about 95% of all groundwater
B. less than 5% of all water
C. 0.05% of above groundwater
D. 95% of above groundwater

更多"The amount of groundwater is ______"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Groundwater, a resource that exists everywhere beneath the Earth’s surface, is under increasing risk from {{U}}contamination{{/U}} and overuse.
A. popularization
B. contraction
C. pollution
D. industrialization
[单项选择]The supply of groundwater is getting low because of ______.

A. conservation
B. toxic waste
C. pollution
D. population increase
[单项选择]The substance ______ easily through groundwater, and some communities have experienced acute episodes of water pollution after underground storage tanks ruptured.
A. perfuses
B. perscusses
C. percolates
D. perforates
[单项选择]What amount do venture capitalists' generally earn on their investment of time and capital Ⅰ. Management fees of 1~2.5% of capital commitment Ⅱ. Management fees of 1~2.5% of capital invested Ⅲ. 80% of portfolio gain Ⅳ. 20% of portfolio gain

The Middle East countries have the largest amount of oil. They have more oil than all the other regions together.
Oil was first discovered in the Middle East in 1908. the first oil field was open in Iran-the famous Masjid-I-Salainman fields. A few years later men found oil in other Middle East countries. But they did not produce much oil at that time because nobody knew the size and value of the oil fields. Then, in 1982 oil was discovered on Bahrain Island. The men who discovered the oil said, if Bahrain has oil, there may be a lot of oilfields in and around the Arabian Gulf.
Immediately men began to search oil in the countries around Gulf. During the next few years, oil was found in many places. The Middle East oil industry then grew fast.
Today this region produces a third of the world’ oil supplies. The Middle East countries now export more oil than any other region. They do not need all their oil. So they are able to export most of their
A. In the end of the ninetieth century.
B. In the early twentieth century.
C. In the early nineteenth century.
D. At the end of ninetieth century.

[单项选择]A futures trader must deposit an additional amount of money into a margin account at the clearinghouse if the margin account ending balance is below the: ( )
A. Initial margin requirement.
B. Variation margin requirement.
C. Maintenance margin requirement.
D. Amount of the loan borrowed from the clearinghouse.
[单项选择]Farmers can save a considerable amount of pesticide by ______.

A. resorting to spot-spraying
B. consulting infrared scanning experts
C. transforming poisoned rain
D. detecting crop problems at an early date
[单项选择]The amount of sleep required may()
A. tire an individual mind
B. help infants grow older
C. apply pressure on an executive
D. depend on an individual age
[单项选择]She only needs a minute amount of money

A. certain
B. fair
C. full
D. small
[单项选择]The amount of heat produced by this electrical apparatus is( )at will by turning a small handle.
A. different
B. diverse
C. variable
D. various
[单项选择]No amount of words can fully describe the friendship and the joy we felt on this visit.

A. 我们在这次访问中建立的友谊和度过的时光是无法描述的。
B. 我们在这次访问中所感受到的友情和欢乐是无法用语言表达的。
C. 没有足够的语言可以表达我们在这次访问中所感受到的友情和愉悦。
D. 没有语言可以完全表达我们在这次访问中所领受到的友情和欢乐。


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