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发布时间:2023-10-24 01:00:34

[单项选择]It's tough looking for a job these days.
A. different
B. digital
C. difficult
D. direct

更多"It's tough looking for a job these "的相关试题:

[单项选择]It's tough looking for a job these days.
A. different
B. digital
C. difficult
D. direct
[单项选择]It's {{U}}tough{{/U}} looking for a job these days.
A. different
B. digital
C. difficult
D. direct
[单项选择]It's tough finding a job these days.
A. impossible
B. difficult
C. lucky
D. easy
[单项选择]Nock is looking for another job because he feels that nothing he does______his boss.
A. serves
B. satisfies
C. promises
D. supports
[单项选择]Nick is looking for another job because he feels nothing he does ______ his boss.
A. serves
B. satisfies
C. promises
D. supports
[单项选择]He is looking for a job that will give him greater ______ for career development.
A. insight
B. momentum
C. scope
D. phase
[单项选择]She found the job very tough, () she stayed at the company and was finally promoted.
A. And
B. Although
C. However
D. Until
[单项选择]She found the job very tough. ( ) she stayed at the company and was finally promoted.
A. And
B. Although
C. However
D. Until

If you’re finding it tough to land a job, try expanding your job-hunting plan to include the following strategies: Set your target. While you should always keep your options open to com promise, you should also be sure to target exactly what you want in a job. A specific job hunt will be more efficient than a random one. Schedule abundant interviews. Use every possible method to get interviews answering ads, using search firms, contacting companies directly, surfing the Web, and networking. Even if a job is not perfect for you, every interview can make you learn from it. Follow up! Even if someone does not hire you, write them a thank-you note for the interview. Then, some weeks later, send another brief letter to explain that you still have not found the perfect position and that you will be available to interview again if the original position you applied for-or any other position, for that matter-is open. Do this with every position you interview for, and you may
A. Job-hunting.
B. It's hard to land a job.
C. Job-hunting plan.
D. Strategies for hunting an ideal jo


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