Text 1
Millions of families sat down in their living rooms one evening last August to watch a live Madonna Concert from France, telecast on the cable network Home Box Office. Because Madonna. is such a huge international star--and because the telecast was heavily promoted and aired in prime time on a weekend--millions of children certainly watched with their parents.
What happened on all those screens was that Madonna repeatedly used the one obscene word that has been routinely barred from the public airwaves.
We live in an anything - goes age, so the show’ s witless and purposely vulgar content was not surprising. The language itself was nothing that has not been heard in movies or on cable - TV comedy specials. The surprising thing was that so few parents called HBO to object. A spokesperson for the network said the complaints" were not by any stretch of the imagination overwhelming"--and that the Madonna con cert was the highest -
A. It is an anything - goes age
B. Is Madonna a huge international star
C. The children are watching
D. Programes on the cable network are out - dated
Questions 62 to 66 are based on
the following passage. What made Joan Ryan decide to be a sports writer "Ten years ago, I was editing news stories at the Orlando Sentinel in Florida--my first job out of college. I didn’t know any female sports writers. But I wanted to he one. First of all, the best writing in the paper was sports. " "Furthermore, I had the background. I grew up in an athletic family: Three boys and three girls and a coach for a dad. " Soon after describing her ambition to a co-worker, the editor of her paper reassigned Joan to the sports department. Today, Joan is the sports columnist for the San Francisco Examiner in California. When she landed her job eight years ago, she was the only woman sports writer on any major American newspaper. (She is now one in about six A. a career pioneer as a female sports writer B. how to become a successful Sports writer C. how to interview athletes as a female sports writer D. the working experience of a female sports writer [单选题]地址栏输入的www.baidu.com是一个( )
A.文件 B.邮箱 C.域名 D.国家 [多选题]过滤式防毒面具防护范围().
A.粉尘、重烟、雾滴 B.毒气、毒蒸气 C.粉剂配料地点,家具喷涂 D.肉眼看不见的微小物质 [填空题]组合体相邻的表面可能形成( )、相交 和( )三种关系 。(
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]MRPII的含义是______。
A. 物料需求计划的第二代 B. 制造资源计划的第二代 C. 物料需求计划 D. 制造资源计划 [简答题]对军人探亲休假有什么要求?
A. 条型基础 B. 独立基础 C. 满堂基础 D. 桩基础 [简答题]精馏塔空塔加料时,由于没有回流液体,精馏段的塔板处于干板操作状态,没有气液接触,如塔釜升温速度过快,易造成气相中难挥发组分带入精馏段。
[填空题]承力索中心锚结辅助绳在其垂直投影与线路钢轨交叉处,应高于接触线( )_以上。
A. 1% B. 2% C. 3% D. 4% [判断题]集合资产管理计划设立完成前,客户的参与资金只能存入资产托管机构,不得动用。 ( )
[单选题]配属给指定局、段和有关单位管理的客车,在车体两端外墙板左侧应涂打配属单位( )的“配属标记”,
A.简称 B.全称 C.级别 D.地址 [单项选择]教师运用已有的教学动机概念来理解学生学习中的具体表现,这类学习主要属于()。
A. 下位学习 B. 上位学习 C. 并列学习 D. 组合学习 [多项选择]从本质上来说,保险是一种分散风险的机制。这种分散风险的机制建立在灾害事故( )和( )这种矛盾对立统一的基础上。
A. 偶然性 B. 普遍性 C. 必然性 D. 不确定性 E. 发展性 [单选题] 运行中气体绝缘金属封闭开关外壳及构架的感应电压不应超过 36V,其温升不应超过
()K。 A.30 B.36 C.42 D.48 [单选题]裘皮服装收藏前要毛皮朝外日晒( )个小时,这不仅能使毛皮干透,还能起到杀菌、消毒的作用。
A.1~2 B.1~3 C.2~3 D.2~4 [单项选择]以下正确的数组定义语句是______。
A. int y[1][4]=1,2,3,4,5; B. float x[2][]=1,2),3; C. long s[2][3]=1,1,2,<1,2,3; D. double t[][3]=0; [单选题]无论高压设备是否带电,作业人员不得单独移开或越过遮栏进行工作;若有必要移开遮栏时,应有( )在场,并符合设备不停电时的安全距离。
A.安全员 B.监护人 C.负责人 D.班组长 [单项选择]●2011年3月全国两会召开期间发布的《中华人民共和国国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划纲要》有如下内容:“推动物联网关键技术研发和重点领域的应用示范”。从技术 架构上看,物联网可分为三层:感知层、网络层和应用层。其中网络层可包括__(5)__。
A. 各种传感器以及传感器网关,包括二氧化碳浓度传感器、温度传感器、湿度传感器、二维码标签、RFID标签和读写器、摄像头、GPS等 B. 互联网,有线、无线通信网,各种私有网络,网络管理系统和云计算平台等 C. 用户(包过人、组织和其他系统)的接口 D. 网络应用程序 [多项选择]适用于DRP的企业类型为()。
A. 流通企业 B. 生产企业 C. 自己具有销售网络和储运设施的生产企业 D. 销售部门 [单项选择]转胞气虚证的治法
A. 滋阴清热,泻火通淋 B. 清心泻火,润燥通淋 C. 补中益气,升降举胎 D. 调理冲任,化气行水 E. 温补肾阳,化气行水 [简答题]《汽车库、修车库、停车场设计防火规范》GB50067-97第8.2.1条“面积超过2000m2的地下汽车库应设置机械排烟系统。现在审查中遇到开窗面积合适,自然排烟距离满足要求,是否可以不设置机械排烟系统?
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