发布时间:2023-09-29 09:10:50

[单项选择]It's difficult to believe that this little brown thing will eventually turn () a beautiful butterfly.
A. out
B. around
C. to
D. into

更多"It's difficult to believe that this"的相关试题:

[单项选择]It's difficult to believe that this little brown thing will eventually turn () a beautiful butterfly.
A. out
B. around
C. to
D. into
[单项选择]Mr. Brown's numerous New Year's resolutions came to nothing just as the saying goes: "A leopard never change its _____."

A. spots
B. dots
C. patches
D. points
[单项选择]I find it difficult to believe what he says ______ he never tells me the truth.
A. so
B. as
C. though
D. while
[单项选择]I find it difficult to believe what he says______he never tells me the truth.
A. so
B. as
C. though
D. while
[单项选择]Mr. Brown's numerous New Year's resoluti6ns came to nothing just as the saying goes: "A leopard never change its ______."

A. spots
B. dots
C. patches
D. points
[单项选择]I don't believe in Brown's adventure at all. It sounds so___ .
A. incredible
B. credible
C. incredulous
D. credulous
[单项选择]During the eighteenth century, Little Turtle was the chief of the Miami tribe whose territory became ______ is now Indiana and Ohio.
A. there
B. where
C. that
D. what
[单项选择]Why, according to Selye, is a little stress good to employees to some extent

A. As it mobilizes an individual to achieve peak performances in activities and tasks.
B. As, if without stress, nothing can be achieved successfully and fully.
C. As stress is an important way to prevent inaction and languor during the working process.
D. As stress is the ligament between the employees and the organizations and helps the organizations to identify qualified employees.
[单项选择]According to Brown's study, women's earning categories occur in ______.
A. government employment, self-employment, private employment
B. government employment, private employment, self-employment
C. private employment, self-employment, government employment
D. private employment, government employment, self-employment
[单项选择]Mary often drinks her tea with her little finger sticking out; I really can't _______ that kind of behavior.
A. put through
B. put off
C. put up with
D. put out
A. 损伤侧病变平面以下痉挛性瘫
B. 健侧病变平面以下痉挛性瘫
C. 损伤侧病变平面以下痛温觉消失
D. 健侧病变平面以下痛温觉消失
E. 损伤侧病变平面相应肌节弛缓性瘫
[单项选择]Sally has been the same as any other little girl since she was born.


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