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发布时间:2023-10-25 06:25:30

[单项选择]By saying "... owners of well over half of all World Wide Web sites have set up home without fit- ting locks to their doors" (Lines 3--4, Par

更多"By saying '... owners of well over "的相关试题:

[单项选择]By saying "... owners of well over half of all World Wide Web sites have set up home without fit- ting locks to their doors" (Lines 3--4, Para. 2), the author means that ________.
[单项选择]By saying"...owners of well over half of all World Wide Web sites have set up home with out fitting locks to their doors" (Line 3-4, Para.2), the author means that______.

On Sunday, April 22, 1990, people all over the world celebrated the same holiday. It was the twentieth anniversary of Earth Day. The purpose of the holiday, which we celebrate every year on that date, is to help people learn how to protect the planet Earth. People around the world celebrate Earth Day because they worry about the planet. Many forms of animal life are disappearing from the earth. Carelessness and accidents in many countries have caused problems that are harmful to the environment. Air and water pollution, oil spills, and toxic waste are some of the serious problems.
In fact, protecting the earth is truly a worldwide issue. Pollution in one place often affects areas far away. For example, an accident in a nuclear power plant in one country can create a radioactive cloud that goes halfway around the world. Factory smoke in one country can cause acid rain in another. It is easy to see how our protecting the environment has become an international issue.

A. April 22
B. April 22, 1970
C. April 22, 1990
D. Sunday, April 22


Text 2
In cities all over the United States, workers spend several hours a day in cars crawling along in traffic to get to offices many miles from home. They experience stress, waste time, and pay a lot for gas, car maintenance, and parking. Once they get to work, they make their way through a maze of cubicles, each with its computer, phone, and file cabinet. Nancy Alley, human resources manager at TBWA Chiat/Day, doesn’t. She stays at home, talking with managers over the phone and faxing in paperwork. Instead of walking down the hall to chat with coworkers, she E-mails them. Nancy is a telecommuter, someone who works some or all of the time at home. Since 1990, the number of U. S. telecommuters has grown from 4.2 million to 9.2 million.
Highway congestion, the high cost of office space, federal clean-air laws, reduced work forces, and lifestyle needs -- all these factors contribute to the growth of telecommuting. What makes it possible is technology.
A. explaining a phenomenon,
B. raising an argument.
C. posing a contrast.
D. using an example.

[单项选择]Canada is well known for all the following EXCEPT
A. its mineral resources
B. its heavy industries
C. its forest resources
D. its fertile and arable land


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