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发布时间:2023-10-04 03:58:33

[单项选择]Which of the following is the energy group NOT required to do

A. Research on alternative energy sources.
B. Study alternate-fuel transit systems.
C. Deal with energy waste.
D. Make two pieces of solar equipment.

更多"Which of the following is the energ"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Which of the following is the energy group NOT required to do

A. Research on alternative energy sources.
B. Study alternate-fuel transit systems.
C. Deal with energy waste.
D. Make two pieces of solar equipment.
[单项选择]Which of the following can save your energy in the morning
A. Getting up late.
B. Jumping out of bed as quickly as possible.
C. Looking for clean clothes.
D. Sitting for a while before getting out of bed.

Passage 5
The energy which the sun radiates goes in every direction, and only a minute part of it falls on the earth. Even so, it represents power of about 5,000,000 horsepower (马力)per square mile per day; the sun gives us as much energy every minute as mankind utilizes in a year. At present, we use this energy in directly, and it is our final source of power. Coal represents the chemical action of the sun on green plants thousands of years ago. Water power results from the rain formed by vapor which comes from the evaporation of power. Coal represents the rain formed by vapor which comes from the evaporation of water under the sunshine. Even windmills operate because of air currents set in motion by the different heating affects of the sun in different places. Some day, through chemistry or some type of solar engine, we shall harness this great source of energy more directly. Already a scientist has worked out an engine, surprisingly efficient, in with the sun&rsq
A. a machine using solar energy efficiently has already been developed
B. the sun is our final source of power
C. man uses only a tiny part of the sun's energy
D. the part of the sun's energy we use is used indirectly

[单项选择]Which of the following is NOT TRUE of solar energy

A. The technical problem of providing heat on cloudy days are not yet solved.
B. It costs much to have a solar energy system installed at home.
C. There are basically two types of solar energy.
D. Solar energy is clean, inexhaustible and free of risk.
[单项选择]______ energy which the sun radiates goes in every direction, and only ______ minute part of it falls on the earth.
A. The, a
B. /, a
C. /, the
D. The, /
[单项选择]Considering the following sentences, which one would the author most agree
A. Digital technology is useless.
B. Digital divide will help poor countries becoming rich.
C. Poor people need more immediate concerns, such as food, health care and security.
D. Mobile phones should be promoted firstly.
[单项选择]Which of the following is one way in which Nevelson's art illustrates her theory as it is expressed in paragraph 4

A. She sculpts in wood rather than in metal or stone
B. She paints her sculptures and frames them in boxes.
C. She makes no preliminary sketches but rather allows the sculpture to develop as she works.
D. She puts together pieces of ordinary objects once used for different purposes to make her sculptures.
[单项选择]Which of the following is true

A. Events with strong meaning are always stored in the short-term memory.
B. Most of what we see and do belong to the short-term memory.
C. Short-term memories are made up of inactive electrical circuits.
D. Long-term memories consist of active electrical circuits.


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