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发布时间:2023-10-07 15:25:35

[单项选择]A T-bill with a face value of $100000 and 140 days until maturity is selling for $98000. What is the money market yield()
A. 5.41%.
B. 2.04%.
C. 5.25%.

更多"A T-bill with a face value of $1000"的相关试题:

[单项选择]A U. S. Treasury Bill with a face value of $ 100000 and 256 days until maturity is selling for $ 94300. The money market yield on this security is closest to:()
A. 7.80%.
B. 7.87%.
C. 8.50%.
[单项选择]What is the decimal value of the binary value 10010?()
A. 16
B. 17
C. 18
D. 19
[单项选择]已知Value是一个类,Value是Value的一个对象。下列以非成员函数形式重载的运算符函数原形中,正确的是( )。
A. Value operator+(Value v,int i);
B. Value operator+(Value v=value,int i);
C. Value operator+(Value vint i=0);
D. Value operator+(Value v=value,int i=0);
A. Value operator+(Value v,int i);
B. Value operator+(Value v=value,int i);
C. Value operator+(Value V,int i=0);
D. Value operator+(Value v=value,int i=0);
A. Value operator+(Value v, int i);
B. Value operator+(Value v=value, int i);
C. Value operator+(Value v, int i=0);
D. Value operator+(Value v=value, int i=0);
[单项选择]A "poker face" (Line 3, Para. 2) refers to a face which is ______ .
A. attentive
B. emotional
C. suspicious
D. expressionless
[单项选择]"Restricted activity days" are days when ________.
A. sick people have to stay in hospital for further treatment
B. one takes a long holiday away from work
C. sick people have to keep from their normal activities
D. one is restricted in his freedom of action
A. 确定控件的属性
B. 确定控件的位置
C. 确定控件的状态和位置
D. 确定控件的状态、内容及位置
[多项选择]某公司分别以D/P AT 90 DAYS AFTER SIGHT和D/A AT 90 DAYS AFTER SIGHT两种支付条件对外出口了两批货物,关于这两笔业务,下列叙述正确的有( )。
A. 前者是进口人在到期日付清货款后才可取得货运单据,后者是进口人在见票时承兑后即可取得货运单据
B. 对前者卖方没有货款两空的风险,而后者对于卖方存在这种风险
C. 前者的风险比后者大
D. 后者的风险比前者大
[单项选择]Eastern societies traditionally value education and family ties,attaching great importance to the upbringing of their young.()
A. 传统上,东方社会注重教育和家庭观念,因此非常重视子女的教育。
B. 东方社会传统上重视教育,同时也有强烈的家庭观念。在这个基础上,子女的教育显得异常重要。
C. 传统上,东方社会重视教育,同时也有强烈的家庭观念。在这个基础上,子女的教育显得异常重要。
D. 传统上重视教育的东方社会有强烈的家庭观念。在这个基础上,子女的教育显得异常重要。
[单项选择]Project selection methods involve measuring value or attractiveness to the project owneror sponsor and may include other organizational decision criteri

A. ______ is not a project selectionmethod.A.Benefit contributionB.Exp
[单项选择]What punishment will the charged face

A. Five years in prison and a fine of $250,000.
B. Six years in prison and a fine of $ 350,000.
C. Fatal punishment.
D. Seven years in prison and a fine of $ 260,000.
[单项选择]Financial consultants acknowledge that the value of common stock is inherently changeable.
A. relatively
B. intrinsically
C. sporadically
D. incrementally


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