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发布时间:2024-07-07 05:08:31


Education is compulsory and free for every child in the United States. Most children start school by the age of six.
They attend eight years of elementary school and four years of high school (or secondary school). The money for free public school comes from taxes, and each state is responsible for its own education system. State legislatures set the educational requirements but leave the management of the school in the hands of the local communities. Most states require their children to go to school until a certain age. This age varies from 16 to 18 years according to the law of the individual states. The Federal government contributes funds to the states for additional schools and school services.
After graduation from high school, a student can start his higher education in a two - year college, a four - year college, a university, or a specialized professional school -- either public or private. Most colleges admit students on the basis of their high
A. With scholarships they received from the school.
B. With the money given by the government.
C. Some private foundations or organizations pay for them.
D. With the money they earn from their part -time work.

更多"Education is compulsory and free fo"的相关试题:


Education is compulsory and free for every child in the United States. Most children start school by the age of six.
They attend eight years of elementary school and four years of high school (or secondary school). The money for free public school comes from taxes, and each state is responsible for its own education system. State legislatures set the educational requirements but leave the management of the school in the hands of the local communities. Most states require their children to go to school until a certain age. This age varies from 16 to 18 years according to the law of the individual states. The Federal government contributes funds to the states for additional schools and school services.
After graduation from high school, a student can start his higher education in a two - year college, a four - year college, a university, or a specialized professional school -- either public or private. Most colleges admit students on the basis of their high
A. Two percent of the people in the country.
B. Children under the age of 16.
C. The students who have to work.
D. One third of the population.

[单项选择]Every child gave Grandma Lin a present, 9
[单项选择]Every child under 16 in this country has to attend school because education is ______.
A. compulsive
B. compulsory
C. compulsion
D. compulsing
[单项选择]Every child is ______ to it parents.
A. precious
B. possible
C. expensive
D. valuable
[单项选择]Every child should establish the ______ ideal to contribute to the modernization of our country.
A. lofty
B. fantastic
C. spectacular
D. spacious
[单项选择]It's essential that every child ______ the same educational opportunities.
A. has
B. have
C. had
D. will have

Text 3
Education is compulsory in Britain, whether at school "or otherwise"; and "other wise" is becoming more popular. In 1999, only 12,000 children were listed as being home-schooled. Now that figure is 20,000, according to Mike Fortune-Wood, an educational researcher. But he thinks that, as most home-taught children never go near a school and are therefore invisible to officialdom, the total is probably nearer 50,000.
As usual, Britain lies between Europe and America. In Germany, home teaching is illegal. In America, it’ s huge: over 1 m children are home-schooled, mainly by religious parents. There are a small minority among British home-educators, who consist mainly of two types: hippyish middle-class parents who dislike schools on principle, and those whose children are unhappy at school.
The growth is overwhelmingly in this second category, says Roland Meighan, a home-education expert and publisher. One reason is tha
A. the complaint against the compulsory education.
B. the occasional employment of school facilities.
C. the intensified attempts of other sections with respect to personalization
D. the more flexible timing and choice of subjects.

[单项选择]When I was a child, I()for a swim, if the weather was fine.
A. will go
B. was going
C. would go
D. had gone
[单项选择]Education in U. K. is compulsory for all between ages of______.

A. 5 and 16
B. 8 and 17
C. 6 and 15
D. 7 and 19


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